Abondance Cattle

The Abondance is a dual-purpose cattle breed, valued for its contributions to dairy and beef production.

Although this breed is classified as dual-purpose, it is more widely valued and utilized for its dairy production than its beef. As a result, the breed is more commonly associated with dairy farming than meat production.

It is France’s fourth-largest dairy breed, accounting for about 1.5% of the country’s total dairy herd.

The breed originated in the Abondance Valley in the Haute-Savoie region of the French Alps, where it was developed centuries ago. Its history is deeply connected to alpine farming traditions.

Officially recognized in the late 19th century, it has gained popularity over time for its hardiness and productivity.

While primarily raised in France, Abondance cattle have also been exported and successfully bred in various countries, including parts of Europe, North and South America, and Africa.

One of the most notable contributions of the Abondance breed is its role in cheese production. Its high-quality milk has been essential in making famous cheeses such as Reblochon, Abondance, Tome des Bauges, and Beaufort, as well as Indication Géographique Protégée cheeses like Émmental de Savoie and Tomme de Savoie.



Abondance cattle stand out for their distinctive red pied or red-and-white coat patterns, which give them their characteristic appearance.

The intensity of red can range from light chestnut to deep reddish-brown. White areas often appear on the face, underbelly, and legs, while reddish-brown dominates the upper body and sides.

The patterns can vary significantly between individuals, creating a diverse but recognizable breed aesthetic.

Skin, Coat

The skin is pinkish or light, and it serves as a base under their fur. Their coat is thick, which often makes the actual skin hard to notice unless inspected closely.


The head is medium-sized, brachycephalic, and proportionate to the body, featuring a broad muzzle and large, dark nostrils.

It is white with red or brown markings around the eyes or forehead, with some displaying a “mask-like” pattern of darker color around the eyes, creating an expressive look. These markings, which vary in intensity and shape, are a distinct feature of the breed.


Abondance cattle are a naturally horned breed.

Their horns are pale or ivory-colored with darker tips and curve outward and slightly upward.

In modern farming practices, some individuals may be dehorned for management and safety purposes.


The neck is medium in length, strong, and broad. Its color is predominantly reddish-brown, blending into the shoulders, with occasional white patches along the throat or sides. The red and white colors mix softly, without clear borders.


These cattle have sturdy, muscular shoulders that transition smoothly into their overall frame. They are covered in reddish-brown hair, which continues from the neck.


The back is straight and strong, extending from the shoulders to the sacrum, while the underline remains level and well-proportioned, running parallel to the ground. The ribs are well-sprung, providing ample capacity, and both the chest and flanks are deep and broad. The pelvis is long with a slight slope, contributing to overall balance and functionality.

Legs, Hooves

This breed has strong, well-proportioned legs, mainly red with possible white spots. Their hooves are usually black but can also be white or tabby

Testicles, Udder, Teats

Testicles are well-developed, while the udder is well-attached, symmetrical, and suited for milking. The teats vary in color from pink to brown


This cattle has a medium-sized body.

The breed’s height varies by gender: rams reach approximately 55 in (140 cm) at the sacrum, while ewes measure around 53 in (135 cm), both displaying strong and proportionate builds.

As for the rest of the body, the measurements reflect a balanced and functional structure:

Abondance Cattle Measurements
Measurement Value
Chest Width 16.9 in (43 cm)
Chest Depth 28.3 in (72 cm)
Flank Depth (Sidewall Depth) 30.7 in (78 cm)
Pelvic Length 20.9 in (53 cm)
Width at Trochanters 19.7 in (50 cm)


These cattle live around 15 to 20 years with proper care and management.

Their productive lifespan, focused on milk or beef production, is between 8 and 12 years, depending on health, environment, and farming practices.

Growth Rate

How fast do they grow?

Abondance cattle are recognized for their moderate growth rate, which aligns with their dual-purpose role in both dairy and meat production.

Though they do not grow as quickly as specialized beef breeds, their development is consistent and efficient.


Mature males of this breed weigh around 1,213–1,764 lbs (550–800 kg), while females range from 1,874–2,425 lbs (850–1,100 kg). Calves are born with an average weight of 77 lbs (35 kg).


These cattle are docile and cooperative, with a friendly temperament.

Their social nature means they thrive in herds, as they feel secure and comfortable when grazing or resting together. They are natural grazers, well-suited to foraging in open pastures and mountainous terrain, where they adapt to eating diverse vegetation, including grasses, shrubs, and alpine plants.

They are also curious and alert, maintaining awareness of their surroundings, which helps them navigate more difficult landscapes.

In addition, they have a calm disposition, reducing stress levels in farming environments, and they tend to interact peacefully with other cattle.


The milk of this cattle breed is rich in fat and protein.

On average, Abondance cows produce 1,427 to 1,506 gal (5,400 to 5,700 l) of milk per lactation, with a butterfat content of 3.7% and a protein content of 3.3%.

Their lactation length averages 305 days, ensuring a consistent milk supply throughout the year.

The milk from this breed contributes to the production of 14 PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) cheeses. Cheese-making has been an integral part of the breed’s identity since the Middle Ages, particularly in the Savoie region. The milk’s fat-to-protein ratio of 1.09 makes it ideal for crafting high-quality cheeses.

Among all French breeds, it has the lowest rate of cellular infections, with 90% of cows having fewer than two tests per year exceeding 800,000 cells/ml. This remarkable health trait ensures consistent milk quality and reduces management costs.

The Abondance is also recognized for its good longevity compared to other dairy breeds. Fewer cows are culled at early stages, with many reaching their eighth lactation or beyond, which is rare in other breeds. For example, one in 23 Abondance cows reaches the eighth lactation, compared to one in 50 Montbéliarde cows and one in 310 Holstein cows. This makes the Abondance an economically sustainable choice for farmers.



These cattle do well on a diet based on high-quality forage. Their diet should match their adaptability to alpine and pasture-based systems, and you should feed them:

  • Fresh grass and forage: Natural grasses, herbs, and shrubs from pastures, especially in mountainous areas.

These cattle can graze at high altitudes and are good walkers, able to travel long distances in search of food.

  • Hay and silage: High-quality hay and silage made from grass or maize, particularly in winter or when grazing is limited.
  • Legumes: Protein-rich legumes like clover and alfalfa to improve milk yield and quality.
  • Supplemental Feed: Grain-based concentrates, like barley, maize, and oats, can be added to meet energy demands, especially during lactation.
  • Minerals and vitamins: Providing a mineral mix with calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium is important for maintaining strong bones, good milk quality, and reproductive health. Salt blocks or loose minerals
  • should always be accessible.

Fresh, clean water must always be available, as milk production requires high water intake.


The ideal environment for these cattle is an extensive farming system where they spend most of their time grazing in mountainous pastures. They are well-suited to difficult environments, including steep slopes and rough terrains, due to their adaptability and strong physical build.


They are perfectly adapted to mountain areas and can withstand temperature variations ranging from 14°F to 95°F (-10°C to +35°C), covering climates that include moderate, colder, and warmer conditions.

This adaptability makes them well-suited for diverse environments, from alpine pastures to lower altitudes with milder weather.


These cattle require shelter during the winter, as they do not remain on the mountain. Instead, they are brought down to lower altitudes or kept in indoor shelters. They are housed in barns or stables during this time, where they are fed hay.

This seasonal movement, known as transhumance, involves relocating the cattle between higher pastures in the summer and lower altitudes or shelters in the winter, ensuring their health and proper nutrition throughout the year.

How many cattle per acre?

In mountain pastures, which are less dense in nutrients than lowland pastures, you may need 2 to 10 acres per cattle to provide sufficient forage during the grazing season.

Keep in mind that these cattle can graze at altitudes of around 4,265 to 5,906 feet (1,300 to 1,800 meters).

At lower altitudes or in areas with high-quality, well-managed grass, 2-4 acres per cattle may be enough. At higher altitudes where vegetation is less dense, you may need 5-10 acres per cow to ensure they have enough to graze


Abondance cattle have good fertility in both males and females. However, they tend to reach puberty later than specialized dairy breeds like the Prim’Holstein or Normande.

As a result, the age at first calving is around 34 to 35 months, which is 4 to 5 months later than other dairy breeds. The interval between calvings is approximately 406 days.

Twin births are rare in this breed, but they are known for easy calving and good mothering skills.

Health Issues

These cattle are healthy and less prone to common cattle issues, such as external parasites, due to their habitat at higher altitudes. Colder temperatures in these regions limit the presence and reproduction of external parasites like ticks and flies. Additionally, the alpine environment is less humid, which further reduces the risk of infestation.

Their active grazing and movement across mountainous terrain contribute to better overall health and help avoid problems often seen in confined or intensive farming systems. Mountain pastures also provide clean and diverse vegetation, reducing exposure to internal and external parasites compared to lowland or overcrowded conditions.

However, mountain cattle may face other challenges, including cold stress and the risk of injuries from rough terrain, which require proper care and management.

Why should you raise it?

If you value self-sufficiency and need a reliable dual-purpose breed, the Abondance is worth considering.

They provide a good amount of milk for home consumption or artisanal production, as well as meat for the family. Their adaptability to rough conditions, lower susceptibility to parasites, and long lifespan make them a cost-effective and rewarding choice.


  • Dual-purpose breed
  • Hardy and adaptable
  • Low maintenance
  • Longevity and productivity
  • Economic and sustainable
  • Ease of calving
  • Good fertility


  • Moderate growth rate
  • Rough terrain challenges: While they are adapted to mountainous areas, grazing in steep or rocky terrains can occasionally lead to injuries, such as hoof problems or strains.
  • Seasonal system requirements: Their reliance on transhumance may require more management effort.
  • Limited availability outside specific regions: These cattle may be harder to source outside their native areas, and breeding stock can sometimes be more expensive.
  • Slower reproductive development
About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

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