Pinzgauer Cattle

The Pinzgauer cattle are a dual-purpose breed, valued for both milk and meat production.

They are a purebred breed with a rich history, originating in the Pinzgau region of Salzburg, Austria, where they have been known since at least the 16th century.

The breed likely developed from local alpine cattle, selectively bred for their hardiness, adaptability, and productivity in the mountainous terrain.

They have been exported worldwide and are particularly popular in:

  • Europe, especially in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, where they have historical roots.
  • North America, where they were introduced in the 1970s and are appreciated for their quality meat and crossbreeding potential. (see refs.)
  • Africa and South America
  • Australia and New Zealand

These cattle are considered an endangered breed, with their population declining steadily over time. Conservation efforts are crucial to preserve their genetic diversity and unique traits, as their numbers continue to decrease, with some reports estimating an annual decline of around 10%



The color of these cattle is reddish-brown with a white stripe running along the back, across the tail, and down the underside.

There are also black Pinzgauer cattle that share the same distinctive white stripe pattern.


The bull’s head is masculine, proportionate to the body, with a wide muzzle, open nostrils, and a good width between the eyes.

The cow’s head is feminine, refined yet proportionate, featuring a clean throat latch, smooth jaws, a wide muzzle, and open nostrils.


Both sexes of these cattle are naturally horned.

The horns are medium-sized and slightly curved.

There is also a polled strain of Pinzgauer cattle called the Jochberger Hummel. It was developed in Austria and is known for its naturally hornless (polled) characteristic, which sets it apart from the traditional horned Pinzgauer cattle. The Jochberger Hummel retains the same reddish-brown coat with the distinctive white stripe pattern.


The bull has a medium to long neck that is strong and muscular, showing a moderate crest and dewlap, and connecting harmoniously to the body.

The cow’s neck is similarly medium to long, neatly shaped with a modest dewlap, and integrates gracefully with the rest of the body.

Shoulders and Forearms

In bulls, the shoulders are well-muscled, smooth, and masculine, with clearly defined forearm muscles.

In cows, the shoulders are smooth and moderately muscled, blending seamlessly with the rest of the body.


The chest is full and wide with a full heart girth, offering good depth and capacity in both bulls and females.

Back and Ribs

The back is long with natural thickness, and the ribs are well-sprung and arched.

Round and Twist

In bulls, the round and twist are thick, deep, and well-developed, extending down to the hocks with a prominent stifle muscle that reaches into the flank. In cows, the quarters are deep and full, displaying natural thickness and balance.


The tail head is smoothly attached, and the rump is long with a moderate slope from hook to pins.


The legs are proportionate, well-boned, straight, and correctly placed, ensuring proper movement and balance.

Udder and Teats

The udder has ample capacity with high attachments that extend forward and upward. There are four moderate-sized teats placed proportionately under the udder.


The testicles are well-developed and proportionate in size.


These cattle have a medium to large frame, with bulls being larger and more robust than cows.

The average height is approximately 58 inches (147 cm) for males and 54 inches (138 cm) for females.


They have an expected lifespan of around 20 years. With proper care and management, they can live even longer.

Their lifespan is similar to other dual-purpose cattle breeds, such as Simmental or Dexter.

Growth Rate

How fast do they grow?

They demonstrate a moderate to fast growth rate, with an average daily weight gain of approximately 3.1 pounds (1.4 kg) under intensive fattening conditions.

Under normal farming conditions, their average daily gain is between 2.0 to 2.2 lbs (0.9-1.0 kg)

Their steady growth allows calves to reach market weight relatively quickly, highlighting their efficiency and competitiveness among dual-purpose breeds.


Mature bulls weigh 2,000 lbs and above (907 kg and up), while mature females average between 1,000 and 1,600 lbs (454 to 726 kg).

At birth, males have an average weight of 99 lbs (44.8 kg), while females weigh approximately 93 lbs (42.2 kg).

By weaning, at 6 to 8 months of age, calves reach a weight of approximately 580 to 620 lbs (263 to 281 kg).

Slaughtered Time

These cattle can be slaughtered between 17 and 24 months of age, which is an average range.

Depending on the farming system and feeding regimen, they can be ready for slaughter as early as 17 months. The timing also depends on the desired meat quality, with younger animals producing more tender meat, while older ones yielding a higher overall weight.

The dressing percentage for this breed ranges between 56% and 58%, making them efficient for meat production.

Temperament and Behaviour

Pinzgauer cattle have a calm and gentle nature, which makes them easy to handle and a great choice for farmers who value cooperative animals.

They interact well with humans and adapt easily to different farming systems, including those that involve close contact with handlers.

These cattle are also excellent grazers, thriving in diverse terrains, including challenging hilly or mountainous regions. They make efficient use of available forage and perform well even in areas with limited resources.

The pleasant temperament and strong grazing ability make them reliable and practical animals.


Pinzgauer meat is recognized as a premium product, consistently ranking among the best for tenderness, juiciness, and flavor.

Long-term studies conducted at the USDA Meat Animal Research Center have demonstrated that their meat surpasses many other breeds in sensory qualities.

The meat is naturally tender due to the enzyme composition of the breed, particularly the balance of calpains and calpastatin. This unique enzyme makeup allows the meat to maintain its tenderness without the need for artificial chemical processes.

Of 79 Pinzgauer cattle tested, 84.8% scored 2 Stars or higher for tenderness, outperforming breeds like Angus and Hereford.

Research has shown that their meat has the lowest shear force values among eight tested breeds, including Angus, Hereford, Limousin, and Charolais.

For example, the Warner-Bratzler Shear Force test measured Pinzgauer meat tenderness at 9.85 lbs (4.47 kg), the best result in the study.

Additionally, sensory panel scores ranked Pinzgauer meat highest in flavor and among the top for juiciness.

In studies reported by the Journal of Animal Science (1994), this breed achieved the highest marbling score (5.16) among European Continental breeds, matching Hereford cattle but with significantly less rib fat (9.27% less) and thinner 12th rib fat thickness (0.29 inches / 7.3 mm less). These results highlight the breed’s ability to produce well-marbled, flavorful meat with lower overall fat levels.

This meat also stands out for its deep redness, a key indicator of high-quality meat.


When used for milk production, these cattle are capable of producing 4.6 gallons (17.4 liters) per day.

Over the course of a year, this results in an average annual milk production of 1,416 gallons (5,356 liters). The milk has an average fat content of 3.89% and 3.28% protein.

These cattle have 4 full lactation cycles, with each lactation lasting around 305 days. This number of lactations shows that these cattle are capable of maintaining good milk production for several years, making them a valuable asset for dairy operations.



The diet should be adjusted based on your goals.

It is possible to raise these cattle on a 100% grass-fed diet, providing them exclusively with fresh, nutritious grass.

Given their good feed efficiency, this will not affect their weight gain. During winter or when fresh grass is unavailable, you can feed them hay or silage to maintain their nutrition.

If you are not focusing solely on grass feeding, you can supplement their diet with grains and protein sources like alfalfa hay or soybean meal, especially if boosting milk production is a priority.

Cows producing milk require higher amounts of protein-rich feed to support their increased nutritional needs.

Cattle require access to mineral blocks or salt licks to ensure they receive vital minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Fresh water should always be available, as it plays a key role in milk production, digestion, and overall health.

Lactating cows need more energy and protein than non-lactating cows. Offering them higher-quality forage along with extra grains helps meet their increased nutritional needs.


You can raise them in a variety of environments, such as pasture-based systems, but they also do well in mixed systems where they have access to both pasture and confined spaces with supplemental feed.


When it comes to climate, this cattle breed is highly adaptable to different environments.

Although they have their origins in high-altitude, colder climates, these cattle can also thrive in mild to warm climates, such as those found in South Africa and Australia. Their robust build and pigmented skin around the head and eyes help protect them from the sun, meaning eye problems caused by sunlight are virtually unknown.


Manmade shelter is necessary for these cattle in harsh weather, including intense heat, cold, rain, or snow. It offers protection from the elements, keeping them comfortable and dry or cool depending on the season.

How many cattle per acre?

For the Pinzgauer breed, you may need 2.5 to 3 acres of good-quality pasture per cattle, and more than 5 acres if the pasture quality is poor.

It’s important to note that these are just guidelines, and actual land needs may differ based on soil quality, grass types, and local climate.


The breed is known for its high fertility and longevity in breeding.

Pinzgauer cows generally breed up to the age of 16 to 18 years, with some continuing to breed successfully until 21 years.

Bulls are known for their high sperm count and strong libido, as well as their long productive life, as they can continue breeding until they are 11 to 13 years old.

These cattle can begin breeding at around 17 to 22 months of age. Heifers mature early and typically have their first calf by 30 months of age. The gestation period is approximately 283 days (about 9 months and 10 days).

They are able to calve with minimal intervention, as they possess strong mothering instincts and good health, which helps with a smooth calving process. However, as with any breed, there may be occasional cases that require assistance, especially with difficult births.

Health Issues

This cattle breed is hardy and resilient. While they do not have specific health issues, they can be prone to common problems such as parasites, lameness, and hoof health issues if raised in wet conditions, as well as nutritional deficiencies.

Why should you raise it?

With a range of qualities that make them suitable for farmers or homesteaders, Pinzgauer cattle are a hardy, long-lived breed that produces both high-quality meat and milk.

They are easy to manage and can be raised entirely on pasture, offering a low-maintenance option for those looking to keep costs down. Their hardiness and feed efficiency ensure that they provide a great return on investment.

The meat yield is perfect for family use, and the quality is on par with Angus beef.

In terms of milk, they offer a balanced production rate, ideal for those who don’t need excessive quantities but still want consistent, quality output.

By raising Pinzgauer cattle, you also play a key role in preserving this unique breed, contributing to the sustainability of the species.


  • Hardiness
  • High fertility
  • Good carcass quality
  • Long productive lifespan
  • Good milk production
  • Great mothering ability
  • Feed efficiency
  • Tender meat


  • Limited availability of genetics
  • Lower market demand
  • Less popular in commercial dairy
  • geneticAUSTRIA link
  • American Pinzgauer Association link
  • Pinzgauer Meat link

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About the author: Andrew Weiss
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