Alpine Goat

The Alpine, Purebred Alpine, or French Alpine is a domesticated dairy goat breed that comes from the French Alps.

The breed’s history dates back to the Middle Ages, when it was selectively bred in the mountainous regions of Europe for hardiness and resilience.

French Alpine goats, in particular, became prominent in dairy farming and were exported to other countries.

In the early 1900s, they were introduced to the United States, where they were further developed into the American Alpine breed.

In France, the Alpine breed dominates, with 55% of the female goats enrolled in Milk Recording programs.

Types of Alpine Goats

The Alpine goat is a group of multiple strains that developed in the Alps mountain range. The original strain is the Purebred Alpine, also known as the French Alpine, which was developed in France.

Another variety is the Swiss Alpine, which originates from Switzerland. It has been interbred with other Alpine strains over time, but it is not recognized as a distinct breed.

There is also the Rock Alpine, found in Italy and Austria, with some goats being closely related to the French Alpine and British Alpine. In the United States, the British Alpine is not recognized as a separate breed by major U.S. dairy goat registries.

The last one is the American Alpine goat, which is among the most well-known and high-producing dairy goats, coming from top breeding lines.



There is a wide variety of colors and patterns for this breed of goats. They can be black, white, brown, tan, gray, or a combination of these colors.

There are several distinct coat patterns in Alpine goats, each with a unique name.

Cou Blanc, meaning white neck, describes goats with a white front and black hindquarters, often with black or gray markings on the head.

A similar pattern is Cou Clair, or clear neck, where the front is tan, saffron, off-white, or gray, while the hindquarters remain black.

In contrast, Cou Noir, or black neck, is the opposite, featuring black front quarters and white hindquarters.

Another well-known pattern is Sundgau, which consists of a black base coat with white markings such as facial stripes and white areas on the underbody.

Pied refers to a spotted or mottled coat with irregular color patches.

Chamoisée, meaning brown or bay, is identified by a brown coat with black facial markings, a black dorsal stripe, and black legs, sometimes with a martingale marking that runs from the withers to the chest.

A variation of this is Two-Tone Chamoisée, where the front is lighter brown or gray, while the hindquarters are darker. Unlike Cou Blanc or Cou Clair, this pattern does not have black hindquarters.

Broken Chamoisée features a solid chamoisée coat disrupted by bands, splashes, or patches of another color.


While both sexes have short coats, bucks grow a strip of longer hair along their back.

Head, Ears, Eyes

This goat has a long head with a sturdy, square-shaped muzzle.

Its facial profile is straight, while the ears are erect and slightly tilted forward.

The eyes are bright, expressive, and well-spaced, giving the goat a balanced and alert appearance.


Alpine goats can be found in both horned and polled versions.


The buck’s neck is strong and sturdy but does not appear overly thick. Does, on the other hand, have a longer and more slender neck compared to bucks.


The overall body has a lean and well-balanced structure, with a straight back, deep chest, well-rounded ribcage, and long legs. Bucks have a stronger build, with a broader chest and more powerful shoulders than does. The tail is short and stands upright.

In does, the udder is well-attached, spacious, and evenly shaped, making it ideal for milk production.


The legs are long, strong, and well-proportioned, with a smooth bone structure that is not too heavy. The front legs stand straight and parallel, while the hind legs keep the same alignment from behind but show a slight bend at the hocks from the side. The pasterns are firm and compact, and the hooves are solid and correctly shaped.


The breed has a medium-sized build.

Does reach a minimum height of 30 in (76 cm) at the withers, while bucks are taller, standing at least 32 in (81 cm).


All Alpine goats can live between 8 and 12 years, with some reaching up to 15 years.

Their lifespan depends on genetics, nutrition, and the physical strain they endure over time.

Does may have a shorter life expectancy if they experience multiple pregnancies and heavy milking cycles. Bucks can also have a reduced lifespan when used continuously for breeding.


Males weigh at least 170 lbs (77 kg) and can reach up to 220 lbs (100 kg), while females weigh no less than 135 lbs (61 kg), with a maximum of around 154 lbs (70 kg)..

Alpine Goat Growth Chart: Age and Weight for Does and Bucks
Age Weight (Does) Weight (Bucks)
1 month old 35 – 37 lbs (16 – 17 kg)
2 months old 45 – 48 lbs (20 – 22 kg) 63 – 65 lbs (29 – 30 kg)
5 months old 57 – 60 lbs (26 – 27 kg) 73 – 80 lbs (33 – 36 kg)
1 year old 105 – 108 lbs (48 – 49 kg) 123 lbs (56 kg)
3 years old 135 – 138 lbs (61 – 63 kg)

The weight and growth rate in this breed can vary significantly depending on genetics and specific strains. Some goat owners worry when their goats are not as large as others, but this difference is often normal.

Some growers have reported cases where even twins show different growth rates and sizes, proving that individual variation is common in this breed.

As long as the goats are healthy and their FAMACHA score looks good, being smaller or growing more slowly is usually just a normal trait of that strain and not a health problem.


Alpine goats are among the highest milk-producing breeds, along with Saanen and Toggenburg goats.

A single goat is capable of producing 256 gal (968 l) of milk per lactation, which represents somewhere between 0.77 to 0.85 gal (2.9 to 3.2 l) per day.

The peak production of milk does not happen immediately after kidding but occurs 4 to 6 weeks later and is influenced by the goat’s weight.

To ensure maximum milk production, the goat must be kept at a healthy weight. If other goats need to weigh at least 130 lbs (59 kg) for peak production, Alpine goats require 135 lbs (61 kg) or more.

So, proper feeding during this stage of lactation plays a crucial role in milk production.

Alpine goat milk contains less fat than cow’s milk, with an average fat content of 3.4%. However, it has more sugar and a balanced protein level.

A 8.45 fl oz (250 ml) serving of Alpine milk contains 0.08 oz (2.3 g) of protein, while cow’s milk has 0.12 oz (3.4 g).

When compared to Saanen or Toggenburg goats, Alpine milk has a lower fat content but a higher overall production than these breeds.

To keep Alpine goat milk fresh, it should be filtered and cooled immediately after milking.

The ideal storage temperature is 39.9°F (4.4°C) to prevent bacterial growth.

If not cooled quickly, bacteria multiply, causing spoilage.

When refrigerated, it lasts 3 to 4 weeks, while freezing extends its shelf life by 4 to 5 weeks.


This goat breed is friendly and overall has good behavior, making it suitable for all types of farms, from small to even large dairy operations.

It gets used really quickly to other animals and goat breeds, as well as to human interaction. If it has more than one carer, do not be surprised to see that, from time to time, it prefers and listens to just one carer while ignoring the other, and then switches back. They can sometimes behave like spoiled pets.

It has quite a lot of energy and is active most of the day, so it needs plenty of space to explore, climb, and move around to use up that energy. If not, it could start acting a bit crazy and getting into shenanigans.

Its intelligence is high, which helps it learn routines but also other things, like opening gates, so you should take precautions.

While it is friendly, it also has an independent streak and may wander off if the fencing is not secure.

If raised with other mixed goat breeds, it can display dominance and will try to take the lead in a group and exert authority.



This goat eats grass, hay, leaves, shrubs, tree bark, grains, fruits, vegetables, and specially formulated goat pellets.

The nutrition of this goat needs to be balanced from kidding to make sure it develops a good weight.

For the first four to five months, kids should have access to all the milk they want until they naturally lose interest.

Grain can be introduced within the first few days to help support their nutritional needs. In the beginning, they may consume as much as they want, but as they grow, their intake usually stabilizes at 1.5 to 2 lbs (0.7 to 0.9 kg) per day per kid, split into two feedings.

At around two weeks of age, alfalfa hay should be introduced. As their hay consumption increases, they tend to reduce their grain intake naturally, eventually consuming around 1 lb (0.45 kg) of grain per day.

Minerals should be available from the first week, though young kids may not consume much at first. They typically start eating more minerals as they approach weaning.

Another stage in life when nutrition needs to be monitored is during pregnancy or lactation.

During pregnancy and lactation, goats require more nutrients to maintain their body weight and support their growing kids. Their diet should be higher in energy, protein, and essential minerals to ensure healthy development and milk production.

Pregnant goats need extra nutrition in the last few weeks before kidding, as the growing kids take up more space and require more energy. Good-quality hay, grain, and mineral supplements are essential to keep them in optimal condition.

Once lactation begins, their nutritional demands increase even more. A lactating doe needs enough calories, protein, and calcium to maintain her body weight and milk production. Without proper feeding, she may lose weight quickly and struggle to produce enough milk.

Plenty of fresh water is also an absolute must to keep them hydrated and healthy.


Even though it can live in many different environments, the best one is where it has enough open space to move, climb and explore, as it is very active. It does well in mountainous areas, farms, and even flatlands, as long as it has enough food and water.

In more restrictive areas, such as a small farm, an enclosed pasture, or a backyard homestead, it can still do well, but your fencing needs to be strong and secure. When it gets bored or restless, it may become more mischievous, trying to expand its area of exploration.

Climate and Shelter

You can raise this goat in various climates because it adapts easily.

It can tolerate low temperatures in colder climates because it grows a thick coat in winter. However, it needs a shelter and dry bedding to stay warm, comfortable, and stress-free during heavy snow, rain, or wind.

It also handles heat and high temperatures well as long as it has plenty of shade and fresh water to stay cool. A shelter is important to protect it from strong sun and extreme heat, as overheating can be dangerous.

In mild or temperate climates, this goat does well with basic shelter to protect it from rain, wind, or sudden weather changes, but it enjoys spending most of its time outdoors.

How many goats per acre?

You can keep 6 to 8 Alpine goats per acre if your pasture is rich.

If the vegetation is poor or the pasture is overgrazed, you should consider only 2 to 3 goats per acre and supplement their diet with additional hay, grain, and minerals.


Bucks reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 months old, while does mature at 5 to 6 months of age. This is early, and you should not breed them until they are at least 75 to 80 lbs (34 to 36 kg) in weight, especially does.

Before breeding, it is also important to choose the right goats. Since their size and growth rate vary, you should select those that perform well, have a good growth rate, and possess a strong body size and weight.

After selecting the right goats, you can introduce them and allow them to mate. They are seasonal breeders and typically breed from July to January, depending on your area. In colder climates, the breeding season may begin and finish sooner, whereas in warmer climates, it tends to start and last longer.

The doe’s cycle lasts 18 to 21 days, and the gestation period ranges from 145 to 155 days, with an average of 150 days.

If needed, here is a Goat Gestation Calculator & Calendar

Twins are the most common, but does can have singles or up to quintuplets, so it is always a good idea to supervise kidding when it starts.

Does are good mothers and take care of their kids immediately after birth.

Health Issues

This breed is only affected by common goat health issues, as it does not have any specific diseases unique to its breed.

Why should you raise it?

This goat can be raised by anyone looking to produce good amounts of goat milk.

With prices ranging between $100 and $300, it can be a great addition to both small and large operations, especially since they are often sold in bulk.

Although they require a bit more attention when it comes to feeding, as you need to make sure they get the right amount to maintain their weight and milk production, this is balanced out by their high milk yield, which is great for cheese and yogurt production.

Their calm temperament for milking is another advantage when choosing an Alpine goat, along with their good litter size, as they often have multiple pregnancies.


  • High milk production
  • Low fat milk
  • Hardy and adaptable
  • Good for small and large farms
  • Calm temperament
  • Multiple births
  • Long lifespan


  • High energy levels and require more space
  • Feeding must be monitored
  • Seasonal breeders
  • Require strong fencing
  • Needs care during kidding due to multiple births


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About the author: Andrew Weiss
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