Everyone wants to have a beautiful and weed-free lawn. However, no matter how much care you give it, sometimes weeds appear. And what is extremely upsetting about these weeds is their ability to reproduce and spread.
But how to get rid of these stubborn plants? After all, they steal necessary nutrients from your lawn, leaving it without resources.

Of course, if you only have a small portion, you can always remove them manually.
However, any fragment of their roots or seeds scattered on the ground can give birth to other weeds. So, again you have to handle them. But, is this the real fix?
One of the best solutions that can get rid of them is spraying with herbicide. A herbicide often used for common lawn weeds is Blindside herbicide. This selective herbicide controls and surpasses over 70% of weed types.
Read on to find out everything about Blindside herbicide and you can apply it to have the perfect lawn.
Blindside herbicide mix per gallon
The mixing rate of Blindside Selective Herbicide for one gallon of water is 0.15 and 0.23 oz.
Keep in mind that this amount is very small, equal to less than half a teaspoon per gallon.
Be careful when measuring to meet the recommended amount of 0.15 and 0.23 oz per gallon.
Blindside active ingredient
According to its label, the Blindside herbicides have not one but several active ingredients. Among them are sulfentrazone (60%), metsulfuron-methyl (6%), and other ingredients (34%).
Belonging to the class of sulfonylureas, sulfentrazone is a selective herbicide that works by inhibiting a specific enzyme that is responsible for plant growth. Being a selective herbicide, it kills only the weeds, leaving the other wanted plants completely intact.
The metsulfuron-methyl is, like sulfentrazone, a selective herbicide often used in grain crops, vegetables, and rangelands. It acts in the same way as sulfentrazone, but has a broad spectrum action, having a successful effect on annual and perennial weeds.
Together, these two herbicides and other ingredients result in the selective herbicide Blindside.
Where to buy Blindside herbicide
Blindside herbicides can be bought online from various platformers. To save you from searching online, I have attached two links below from Amazon where you can buy this herbicide directly.
WDG FMC selective herbicides
WDG post-emergent broadleaf weed killer
Blindside herbicides can have visible effects a few weeks after their application. Everything depends on the specific situation. Some people saw positive effects within a week of application, while more severe cases took up to 2-3 weeks to see the effects of Blindside herbicide.
According to its label, this herbicide also stops the growth of weeds in the following year. This means that its effects are longer lasting and that next season you will have a drastically reduced number of weeds.
Also, the visible effects of this substance depend a lot on the soil conditions.
Blindside herbicide needs adequate soil moisture when it is applied. Also, it is advisable to consult the weather forecast because it is good not to rain within 24 hours after application.
However, it is necessary to apply some water within 7 days after application. Irrigation of at least 0.5 inches is recommended.
What is Blindside herbicide?
Blindside is a selective agricultural herbicide that kills certain weeds, leaving intact the plants you want to keep. Developed by agrochemical producer Syngenta, this herbicide kills over 70 weeds.
Among the weeds they control are broadhead and sedge weeds, doveweed, buttonweed, and dollarweed. It can be used without any problem on several types of grass such as Bermuda, fescue, and orchard grass because it is a selective and effective herbicide.
Where can Blindside herbicide be used?
The Blindside herbicide label labels golf courses (Fairways & Roughs), athletic fields, commercial sod farms, residential lawns, and institutional lawns as possible sites for use.
It is perfect for large-scale but also smaller use.
How to mix Blindside herbicides?
To mix the Blindsite herbicide, you must follow certain rules to be sure that you do not hurt anyone or the environment. Thus, the herbicide cannot be mixed within 50 feet of water sources such as wells, even if they are abandoned, streams, rivers, or lakes. If this rule cannot be respected, then you must mix the herbicide on a rigid and stable waterproof support.
In general, it is important that when mixing takes place, you prevent any back siphoning, wells, leaks, or another improper disposal of the excess. In this way, the one who works with the herbicide is safe, and the environment is also protected.
What weeds does Blindside herbicide control or suppress?
As we’ve mentioned, Blindside herbicide manages to kill over 70 types of weeds. In the table below you can see exactly which weeds manage to control and which manage to surprise.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Control | Suppress |
Bittercress | (Cardamine spp.) | X | |
Spurge, prostrate | (Euphorbia humistrata) | X | |
Spurge, spotted | (Euphorbia maculata) | X | |
Star of Bethlehem | (Ornithogalum umbellatum) | X | |
Violet, wild | (Viola pratincola) | X | |
Wild garlic | (Allium vineale) | X | |
Wild onion | (Allium canadense) | X | |
Woodsorrel, creeping | (Oxalis corniculata ) | X | |
Kyllinga, green | (Kyllinga brevifolia) | X | |
Kyllinga, false green | (Kyllinga gracillima) | X | |
Nutsedge, yellow | (Cyperus esculentus) | X | |
Sedge, globe | (Cyperus globulosus) | X | |
Sedge, cylindric | (Cyperus retrorsus) | X | |
Woodsorrel, yellow | (Oxalis stricta) | ||
Black medic | (Echinochloa crusgalli) | X | |
Buttonweed, Virginia | (Medicago lupulina) | X | |
Buttercups | Diodia Virginiana | X | |
Carolina geranium | (Ranunculus spp.) | X | |
Carpetweed | (Geranium carolinianum) | X | |
Chickweed, common | (Mollugo verticillata) | X | |
Chickweed, mousear | (Stellaria media) | X | |
Cinquefoil | (Cerastium vulgatum) | X | |
Clover | (Potentilla spp.) | X | |
Crabgrass (Large and Smooth) | (Trifolium spp.) | X | |
Creeping Beggarweed | (Digitaria spp.) | X | |
Crown Vetch | Desmodium canum | X | |
Cudweed | ( Vicia sativa l. ) | X | |
Dandelion | (Gnaphalium spp.) | X | |
Dock, Curly | (Taraxacum officinale) | X | |
Dogfennel | (Rumex crispus) | X | |
Dollarweed | (Eupatorium capillifolium(Lam.) Small | X | |
Doveweed 1 | (Hydrocotyle spp.) | X | |
Eclipta | (Murdannia nudiflora(L. )Brenan | X | |
Evening primrose | (Eclipta prostrata (L.)) | X | |
Fiddleneck | (Oenothera biennis) | X | |
Filaree | (Amsinckia spp.) | X | |
Foxtail spp. | (Erodium spp.) | X | |
Groundsel | (Setaria spp) | X | |
Goldenrod | (Senecio smallii Britt.) | X | |
Ground ivy | (Solidago spp.) | X | |
Henbit | (Glechema hederacea) | X | |
Japanese Stiltgrass | (Lamium amplexicaule) | X | |
Knotweed, prostrate | (Microstegium vimineum) | X | |
Kochia | (Polygonum aviculare) | X | |
Kyllinga, green | (Kochia scoparia) | X | |
Kyllinga, False green | (Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.) | X | |
Lambsquarters, common | (Kyllinga gracillima Miq.) | X | |
Lawn burweed | (Chenopodium album) | X | |
Lespedeza, common | (Soliva pterosperma) | X | |
London Rocket | (Lespedeza striata) | X | |
Mallow, common | (Sisybrium irio) | X | |
Miner Lettuce | (Malva neglecta) | X | |
Morningglory | (Claytonia perfoliata) | X | |
Mustard, Tansy | ( Ipomea spp.) | X | |
Mustard, Tumble | (Descurainia pinnata brachycarpa) | X | |
Nutsedge, Yellow | (Sisymbrium altissimum L.,) | X | |
Parsley piert | (Cyperus esculentus) | X | |
Pigweed, Redroot | (Alchemilla arvensis) | X | |
Pigweed, Smooth | (Amaranthus retroflexus) | X | |
Pigweed, Tumble | (Amaranthus hybridus) | X | |
Pineapple weed | (Amaranthus albus) | X | |
Plantain, broadleaf | (Matricaria matricarioides) | X | |
Plantain, buckhorn | (Plantago major) | X | |
Prickly Lettuce | (Plantago lanceolata) | X | |
Puncture weed | (Lactuca serriola) | X | |
Purslane, common | (Tribulus terrestris) | X | |
Pusley, Florida | (Portulaca oleracea) | X | |
Sedge, Globe | (Richardia scabra) | X | |
Sedge, annual | (Cyperus croceus Vahl) | X | |
Shepardspurse | (Cyperus compreeus L.) | X | |
Smartweed, Pennsylvania | (Capsella bursa pastoris) | X | |
Sorrel, Red | (Polygonum pensylvanicum) | X | |
Speedwell | (Rumex acetosella) | X | |
Spurge, (annuals) | (Veronica spp.) | X | |
Barnyardgras | (Euphorbia spp.) | X |
How to use Blindside herbicide and how to apply
Before applying Blindside herbicide, you must first prepare it properly. First, you need spraying equipment to apply the substance evenly. The spraying equipment must be cleaned before use. So it is advisable to clean it of all existing herbicides.
After following all the cleaning procedures, fill with water and add the Blindside herbicide. It is in the form of granules dispersible in water, so you have to stir continuously to dilute it. After shaking, it is advisable to check if the herbicide is well mixed before application.
If you want to use the herbicide for a small area, you can use a hand-operated sprayer such as a backpack or compression sprayer.
If you intend to spray a larger area, then you can use electric sprayers that provide uniform coverage. You can even add marker dyes to see precisely how much and where you have already applied.
Does Blindside herbicide kill crabgrass?
Crabgrass is a fairly common lawn weed. Controlling these weeds can be quite difficult to control. However, the Blindside herbicide suppresses the large and smooth crabgrass.
To see an effect, Blindside herbicide must be applied to crabgrass when it is actively growing.
An alternative to Blindside herbicide is Celsius WG Herbicide. Celsius is also a selective herbicide designed to control weeds such as American burnweed, chamberbitter, common purslane, dollarweed, Florida betony, Florida pusley, lawn burweed, Lespedeza, prostrate spurge, and spotted spurge.
As active ingredients, it has Thiencarbazone-methyl (8.7%), Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium (1.9%), Dicamba (57.4%), and other ingredients (32.0%).
Fahrenheit Herbicide is also another Blindside product alternative. With active ingredients of Dicamba 33% and Metsulfuron-methyl 5%, this herbicide is a selective one that comes in water-soluble granule form. It can be applied on small surfaces, but also large ones on such as commercial lawns or golf courses.