Callisto herbicide

What is Callisto herbicide

Callisto Herbicide is a selective systemic weed killer that provides both preemergence and postemergence control.

It offers selective action, targeting specific weeds while leaving other plants unharmed, with both immediate and long-lasting effects for effective weed management.

Active Ingredient

The active ingredient in Callisto Herbicide is mesotrione, which belongs to Group 27 herbicides.

Mesotrione works by blocking a key process in plants called carotenoid biosynthesis.

Without carotenoids, the plant cannot make food, and its leaves turn white or pale before the plant eventually dies. This makes mesotrione very effective at controlling weeds while being selective about which plants it affects.

Where to use it

This herbicide is approved for use on a variety of crops.

It provides effective control of broadleaf weeds in these crops, helping to ensure healthy growth and better yields.

Below is a list of crops where it can be applied:

Table 1. Approved Crops for Callisto Herbicide
Crop Category Specific Crops
Corn Field corn, Seed corn, Sweet corn, Yellow popcorn
Berries Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberry, Lingonberry, Lowbush blueberries, Highbush blueberries, Black currant, Red currant, Raspberries (black and red)
Grains and Forage Flax, Millet (pearl), Oats, Sorghum (grain and sweet), Sugarcane
Vegetables Asparagus, Okra, Rhubarb
Grass and Turf Bluegrass, Ryegrass (annual and perennial), Tall Fescue (grown for seed)

Do not use it on white popcorn or ornamental varieties like Indian corn.

States Approved for Callisto Herbicide Use

Before using Callisto Herbicide, it is important to check if it is approved for use in your state.

Herbicide regulations vary across states to ensure environmental safety and compliance with local laws. Using it in unapproved areas can result in legal issues or unintended harm to ecosystems. Below is a list of states where this herbicide is approved for use:

Table 2. States Approved for Its Use
State State
Alabama Montana
Arizona Nebraska
Arkansas Nevada
California New Hampshire
Colorado New Jersey
Connecticut New Mexico
Delaware New York
Florida North Carolina
Georgia North Dakota
Hawaii Ohio
Idaho Oklahoma
Illinois Oregon
Indiana Pennsylvania
Iowa Puerto Rico
Kansas Rhode Island
Kentucky South Carolina
Louisiana South Dakota
Maine Tennessee
Maryland Texas
Massachusetts Utah
Michigan Vermont
Minnesota Virginia
Mississippi Washington
Missouri West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming

When to apply it

It provides flexible application timing, allowing you to adapt its use based on weed growth stages and seasonal requirements.

For preemergence application, you can apply it early in the growing season, typically in spring, before weeds emerge from the soil.

As for postemergence application, you can use it during the growing season, typically in late spring to early summer, after weeds have emrged and are actively growing.

Weeds Controlled

This herbicide is a highly effective weed control solution, designed to manage a wide range of weeds with preemergence and postemergence capabilities. It is especially beneficial for tackling tough and persistent broadleaf weeds.

However, it is not effective for the control of most grass weeds.

Weeds Controlled With Postemergence Applications

Table 3. Weeds Controlled With Postemergence Applications
Weed Common Name Weed Scientific Name Callisto Herbicide Application
3 fl oz/A 2.5-3.0 fl oz/A + Atrazine1
Amaranth, palmer Amaranthus palmeri PC3 C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Amaranth, powell Amaranthus powellii C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Amaranth, spiny Amaranthus spinosus C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Atriplex Chenopodium orach C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Broadleaf signalgrass Urochloa platyphylla C3 C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Buckwheat, wild Polygonum convolvulus PC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Buffalobur Solanum rostratium C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Burcucumber Sicyos angulatus PC C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Carpetweed Mollugo verticillata C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Carrot, wild Daucus carota PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Chickweed, common Stellaria media C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Cocklebur, common Xanthium strumarium C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Crabgrass, large Digitaria sanguinalis C3 C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale NC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Dock, curly Rumex crispus PC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Galinsoga Galinsoga parviflora C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Hemp Cannabis sativa C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Horsenettle Solanum carolinense PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Jimsonweed Datura stramonium C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Horseweed (marestail) Conyza canadensis PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Knotweed, prostrate Polygonum aviculare PC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Kochia Kochia scoparia PC3 C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Lambsquarters, common Chenopodium album C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Mallow, Venice Hibiscus trionum NC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Morningglory, entireleaf Ipomoea hederacea PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Morningglory, ivyleaf Ipomoea hederacea PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Morningglory, pitted Ipomoea lacunosa PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Mustard, wild Brassica kaber C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Nightshade, black Solanum nigrum C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Nightshade, Eastern black Solanum ptycanthum C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Nightshade, hairy Solanum sarrachoides C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Nutsedge, yellow Cyperus esculentus PC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Pigweed, redroot Amaranthus retroflexus C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Pigweed, smooth Amaranthus hybridus C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Pigweed, tumble Amaranthus albus C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Pokeweed, common Phytolacca americana PC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Potatoes, volunteer Solanum spp. C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Pusley, Florida Richardia scabra C3 C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Ragweed, common Ambrosia artemisiifolia PC C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Ragweed, giant Ambrosia trifida C3 C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Sesbania, hemp Sesbania exaltata C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Sida, prickly (teaweed) Sida spinosa NC C3 Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Smartweed, ladysthumb Polygonum persicaria C3 C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Smartweed, pale Polygonum lapathifolium C3 C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Smartweed, Pennsylvania Polygonum pensylvanicum C3 C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Sunflower, common Helianthus annuus C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Thistle, Canada Circium arvense NC PC Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti C C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Waterhemp, common Amaranthus rudis C3 C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2
Waterhemp, tall Amaranthus tuberculatus C3 C Apply to Weeds <5 Inches Tall2

1Callisto Herbicide tank mixture with atrazine is approved only for use on corn and sugarcane.

2Under certain situations weeds can be controlled at larger than listed sizes, however to protect crop yield, manage weed resistance and provide consistent control, treat weeds before they exceed 5 inches in height.

3Apply before weed exceeds 3 inches in height.

C = Control, PC = Partial Control, NC = Not Controlled

Weeds Controlled With Preemergence Applications

Table 4. Weeds Controlled With Preemergence Applications
Common Name Scientific Name Callisto Herbicide Applied Alone Callisto Herbicide + Atrazine1
Amaranth, palmer Amaranthus palmeri C C
Amaranth, powell Amaranthus powellii C C
Amaranth, spiny Amaranthus spinosus C C
Broadleaf signalgrass Urochloa platyphylla PC PC
Buffalobur Solanum rostratum C C
Burclover, California Medicago polymorpha C C
Carpetweed Mollugo verticillata C C
Carrot, wild Daucus carota C C
Chickweed, common Stellaria media C C
Chickweed, mouseear Cerastium vulgatum C C
Cocklebur, common Xanthium strumarium PC C
Crabgrass, large Digitaria sanguinalis PC PC
Dandelion, common (seedling) Taraxacum officinale C C
Deadnettle, purple Lamium purpureum C C
Dock, curly Rumex crispus C C
Eveningprimrose, cutleaf Oenothera laciniata C C
Fiddleneck, coast Amsinckia intermedia C C
Filaree, redstem Erodium cicutarium PC C
Filaree, whitestem Erodium moschatum PC C
Fleabane, hairy Conyza bonariensis C C
Galinsoga Galinsoga parviflora C C
Geranium, Carolina Geranium carolinianum C C
Groundcherry, smooth Physalis subglabrata C C
Groundsel, common Senecio vulgaris C C
Henbit Lamium amplexicaule C C
Horsenettle Solanum carolinense PC PC
Horseweed/marestail Conyza canadensis C C
Jimsonweed Datura stramonium C C
Kochia Kochia scoparia PC C
Lambsquarters, common Chenopodium album C C
Lettuce, prickly Lactuca serriola C C
Mallow, common Malva neglecta C C
Mayweed, chamomile Anthemis cotula C C
Morningglory, entireleaf Ipomoea hederacea PC C
Morningglory, ivyleaf Ipomoea hederacea PC C
Morningglory, pitted Ipomoea lacunosa PC C
Nettle, burning Urtica urens C C
Nightshade, eastern black Solanum ptycanthum C C
Nightshade, hairy Solanum sarrachoides C C
Pansy Viola tricolor C C
Pigweed, redroot Amaranthus retroflexus C C
Pigweed, smooth Amaranthus hybridus C C
Pigweed, tumble Amaranthus albus C C
Pineappleweed Matricaria matricariodes C C
Puncturevine, common Tribulus terrestris C C
Purslane, common Portulaca oleracea C C
Pusley, common Richardia scabra PC PC
Ragweed, common Ambrosia artemisiifolia C C
Ragweed, giant Ambrosia trifida PC C
Redmaids Calandria caulescens C C
Rocket, London Sisymbrium irio C C
Shepherd’s-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris C C
Smartweed, ladysthumb Polygonum persicaria C C
Smartweed, pale Polygonum lapathifolium C C
Smartweed, Pennsylvania Polygonum pensylvanicum C C
Sowthistle, annual Sonchus oleraceus C C
Spanishneedles Bidens bipinnata C C
Sunflower, common Helianthus annuus PC C
Swinecress Coronopus didymus C C
Tasselflower, red Emilia sonchifolia C C
Velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti C C
Waterhemp, common Amaranthus rudis C C
Waterhemp, tall Amaranthus tuberculatus C C
Willowherb, panicle Epilobium brachycarpum C C
Vetch, common Vicia sativa C C
Vetch, purple Vicia benghalensis PC PC

1Callisto Herbicide tank mixture with atrazine is approved only for use on corn grain sorghumand sugarcane.

C = Control, PC = Partial Control, NC = Not Controlled

Application Rates per Crops


Table 5. Application Rates for Corn Crops
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Postemergence (Used Alone) 3.0 fl oz/A Always add an appropriate adjuvant. Apply to actively growing weeds. Controls susceptible weeds that emerge after application by soil absorption. Will not control most grass weeds.
Preemergence (Used Alone) 6.0-7.7 fl oz/A Apply using ground sprayers in 10-30 gal of water per acre (up to 80 gal with liquid fertilizers). Can be tank mixed with preemergence grass herbicides for grass control.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 7.7 fl oz (0.24 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 2 applications per year.
  • Single Postemergence Limit: Do not apply more than 3.0 fl oz (0.094 lb active ingredient) in a single postemergence application.


Table 6. Application Rates for Asparagus Crops
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Postemergence 3.0 fl oz/A For control or partial control of emerged weeds listed in Table 3. Ensure accurate rate for banded applications to account for band width.
Preemergence 6.0-7.7 fl oz/A For control or partial control of weeds listed in Table 4. Apply after tillage (e.g., fern mowing or disking) but before asparagus spear emergence for spring applications.
Post-Harvest Preemergence rate must be accounted for Ensure the combined total of preemergence and post-harvest applications does not exceed the annual limit of 7.7 fl oz/A.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 7.7 fl oz (0.24 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 2 applications per year.
  • Single Postemergence Limit: Maintain at least 14 days between the first and second applications.

Blueberry, Currant (Black and Red), Lingonberry, Raspberry (Black and Red), Blackberry

Table 7. Application Rates for Blueberry, Currant, Raspberry, Blackberry Crops
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Bush or Caneberries Up to 6.0 fl oz/A Can be applied in split applications: 3.0 fl oz/A followed by 3.0 fl oz/A.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 6 fl oz (0.19 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 2 applications per year.
  • Single Postemergence Limit: Maintain at least 14 days between the first and second applications.

Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Tall Fescue Grown for Seed

Table 8. Application Rates for Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Tall Fescue
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Preemergence 6.0 fl oz/A Apply as a broadcast, surface spray prior to crop and weed emergence. Rainfall or irrigation as the grass crop emerges may increase injury risk. Controls weeds listed in Table 4, including mannagrass.
Postemergence 3.0-6.0 fl oz/A Apply to emerged bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or tall fescue grown for seed. Use 3.0 fl oz/A for weeds in Table 3 and mannagrass (up to 3 tillers). Use 6.0 fl oz/A for extended residual control (see Table 4).
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 9 fl oz (0.282 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 2 applications per year.
  • Single Postemergence Limit: Maintain at least 14 days between the first and second applications.


Table 9. Application Rates for Cranberry Crops
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Cranberry Beds (Bearing or Non-Bearing) Up to 8.0 fl oz/A Apply for control or suppression of bog weeds. Ensure proper application for optimal effectiveness.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 16 fl oz (0.5 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 2 applications per year.
  • Single Postemergence Limit: Maintain at least 14 days between the first and second applications.


Table 10. Application Rates for Oats
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Preemergence (Before Oat Emergence) 6.0 fl oz/A Apply broadcast prior to oat and weed emergence. Refer to Table 4 for weeds controlled or partially controlled.
Postemergence (After Oat Emergence) 3.0 fl oz/A Apply for control or partial control of weeds listed in Table 3. Ensure proper timing for effective weed management.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 6.0 fl oz (0.19 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 1 application per year.


Table 11. Application Rates for Okra
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Preemergence Row-Middle 6.0 fl oz/A Apply as a banded application to row middles before weed emergence. Leave one foot of untreated area over the okra row or 6″ on each side of the row. Do not apply directly over the planted row to avoid severe crop injury, especially on coarse textured soils.
Postemergence Hooded Application 3.0 fl oz/A Apply as a directed application using a hooded sprayer for control or partial control of weeds. Ensure proper equipment to target weeds effectively.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 6.0 fl oz (0.19 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 1 application per year.


Table 12. Application Rates for Rhubarb
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Preemergence for Rhubarb 6.0 fl oz/A Apply before crop emergence to dormant rhubarb (prior to any spring green-up) for control or partial control of weeds.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 6.0 fl oz (0.19 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 1 application per year.

Sorghum (Grain and Sweet)

Table 13. Application Rates for Sorghum
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Preemergence for Sorghum 6.0–6.4 fl oz/A Apply preemergence or preplant non-incorporated up to 21 days before planting sorghum. Avoid applications less than 7 days before planting to reduce crop injury risk. Temporary bleaching of emerging sorghum leaves may occur.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 6.4 fl oz (0.2 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 1 application per year.


Table 14. Application Rates for Surgarcane
Application Method Rate (fl oz/A) Additional Notes
Preemergence for Sugarcane 6.0–7.7 fl oz/A Apply after planting of plant-cane or after harvest of ratoon-cane.
Postemergence for Sugarcane 3.0 fl oz/A Apply over-the-top or directed to the base of sugarcane. Only one postemergence application is allowed if preemergence application was made earlier. Apply to actively growing weeds for best results.
  • Annual Maximum Use: Do not exceed 10.7 fl oz (0.334 lb active ingredient) per acre per year.
  • Annual Maximum Use, Preemergence Application: Do not exceed 7.7 fl oz (0.24 lb active ingredient) as a preemergence application per acre per year.
  • Annual Maximum Use, Postemergence Application: Do not exceed 3.0 fl oz (0.094 lb active ingredient) as a postemergence application per acre per year.
  • Application Limit: Maximum of 2 applications per year.If a preemergence application of Callisto Herbicide is made, only one postemergence application is allowed

Steps for Mixing the Herbicide

Preparing Callisto Herbicide is straightforward and doesn’t take much time. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have the herbicide ready for use.

By following the mixing instructions carefully and ensuring you have the right equipment and materials, you can efficiently prepare the solution and start applying it to your crops.

  1. Read the Label: Carefully read the Callisto Herbicide label to understand all safety precautions, mixing instructions, and application guidelines.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Ensure you are wearing proper personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, goggles, and protective clothing, as recommended on the product label.
  3. Check Your Equipment: Ensure your sprayer is in good working condition and has proper agitation. Make sure all equipment is ready before starting.
  4. Clean the Sprayer: Clean the sprayer according to the instructions on the product label used prior to Callisto Herbicide. For postemergence applications, use only clean water for the spray solution. Ensure all in-line strainers and nozzle screens are 50-mesh or coarser. Do not use screens finer than 50-mesh.
  5. Use Liquid Fertilizer: Liquid fertilizer (excluding suspension fertilizers) may be used as a carrier for preemergence applications.
  6. Begin Filling the Tank: Start filling the sprayer or premix tank with clean water and engage the agitator. Keep the agitation running throughout the mixing and spraying process.
  7. Add AMS: When the tank is half full of water, add ammonium sulfate (AMS) and agitate until fully dispersed.
  8. Add Callisto Herbicide: Slowly add Callisto Herbicide to the tank while agitating. Wait at least 1 minute after adding the last of the herbicide to allow complete dispersion. If using cold water, a longer agitation time may be needed.
  9. Tank Mixing: If using a tank mix, add the tank mix product next and agitate until fully mixed.
  10. Add Adjuvants: Finally, add a crop oil concentrate (COC) or nonionic surfactant (NIS) as needed. Optionally, add UAN or AMS to enhance effectiveness. Fill the tank to the desired level with water while maintaining agitation.

The rainfast period for Callisto Herbicide can vary depending on the specific formulation and application conditions.

Adjuvants for Callisto Herbicide

You can use adjuvants when using this herbicide but only the ones that meet the CPDA (Chemical Producers and Distributors Association) certification standards.

Adjuvants play a key role in enhancing the performance of it, ensuring effective weed control while reducing potential risks to crops.

They help the herbicide stick to weed surfaces, improve absorption, and maximize its efficacy under various conditions.

Field Corn, Seed Corn Adjuvants

For field corn and seed corn, you can use the following:

  • Crop Oil Concentrate (COC): Recommended at 1.0 gal/100 gal of water (1.0% v/v).
  • Nonionic Surfactant (NIS): Can be used at 1 qt/100 gal (0.25% v/v), but COC provides better weed control.
  • Methylated Seed Oil (MSO): Avoid using MSO unless explicitly stated in tank mix instructions, as it may cause severe crop injury.
  • Add UAN (28-0-0) at 2.5% (v/v) or AMS at 8.5 lb/100 gal of spray solution to improve performance.

Yellow Popcorn, Sweet Corn Adjuvants

For yellow popcorn and sweet corn, you have to keep in mind:

  • Crop Oil Concentrate (COC): COC can be used for improved weed control in dry conditions but may increase the risk of injury in lush conditions.
  • Nonionic Surfactant (NIS): Use NIS to minimize crop injury risk.
  • Adding atrazine is recommended for optimal control where allowed.
  • Do not add UAN or AMS to avoid severe crop injury.

Tank Mix

Some tank mixes are allowed when using this herbicide, but the compatibility and effectiveness depend on the type of crop you plan to treat. Different crops have specific guidelines and restrictions for tank mixing to ensure safe and effective application.


Table 15. Tank Mixtures for Preemergence Application in Corn
AAtrex Cinch ATZ Lite Guardsman Max Keystone LA
Bicep Lite II Magnum Degree Harness Outlook
Bicep II Magnum Degree Xtra Harness Xtra Prowl
Cinch Dual II Magnum Harness Xtra 5.6L Surpass EC
Cinch ATZ Fultime Keystone TopNotch
Table 16. Tank Mixtures for Postemergence Application in Corn
AAtrex 4L AAtrex Nine-O Accent Accent Q
Basagran Basis Basis Gold Bicep II Magnum
Bicep Lite II Magnum Buctril Moxy Glyphosate-only brands
Ignite Ignite 280 SL Lightning Northstar
Peak Spirit Steadfast Steadfast ATZ
Steadfast Q Stout

EPA Registration Number

The EPA Reg. No. of this herbicide is 100-1131.

About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...