Change Up Herbicide: How to Use It, Mix It, and Which Weeds It Kills

Change Up Herbicide - How to Use It, Mix It, and Which Weeds It Kills

We continue our list of herbicides with Change Up herbicide, which can be the weed killer you are looking for. It effectively eliminates hard-to-control and persistent weeds without causing harm to your lawn or landscape.

This herbicide has an advanced formula that combines three powerful ingredients specifically designed to target a wide range of broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds commonly found in outdoor spaces.

My today’s guide about Change Up herbicide helps you find out quickly where and how you can use it, how to mix it, what weeds it kills, and how to apply it successfully.

Let’s see how you can get back your green and weed-free lawn in no time by using this herbicide.

What is Change Up Herbicide?

Change Up is a selective post-emergent herbicide that can be used to control weeds in a wide variety of settings, including agricultural and non-crop areas.

Change Up herbicide can be found exclusively in a liquid formulation, typically sold as a concentrated liquid that requires dilution before use.

The active ingredients

The active ingredients in Change Up herbicide are:

– MCPA (51,05%)

– Fluroxypyr (6,0%)

– Dicamba (4,17%)

All these three active ingredients are present in different concentrations that allow Change Up post-emergent herbicide to act effectively on many common broadleaf weeds in multiple areas.

They are all selective and post-emergent herbicides.

Where to use it

You can use Change Up selective herbicide in various locations such as golf courses, roadsides, lawns, parks, cemeteries, athletic fields, and other non-crop areas, including sod farms.

Sod farms, also known as grass farms, are agricultural operations that involve the cultivation and harvesting of sod. Sod is the layer of grass and soil held together by roots.

How it works

Change Up herbicide works selectively and systemically by targeting specific unwanted weeds after they have emerged from the soil.

Its three active ingredients disrupt the normal growth and metabolic processes of the weeds.

These ingredients mimic the structure and function of the weed’s enzymes and hormones, tricking the plant into absorbing and assimilating them.

Once inside the weed, these ingredients cause cellular division and other abnormalities that ultimately result in the weed’s death.

Mix Ratio

You can mix 0.75 to 2.0 oz of Change Up herbicide per gallon of water.

However, it’s important to note that the specific mixing ratio for Change Up herbicide may vary depending on the application setting and target weeds.

Let’s take each type of setting and see the mixing ratio.

Ornamental Lawns, Turf, and Sod Farms.

– Bluegrass, Ryegrass, and Fescue – mix 2 to 3 pints of herbicide per acre.

– Creeping Bentgrass – mix 1.25 pints of herbicide per acre.

– Common and Hybrid Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Carpetgrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass – apply only 1.5 to 2.5 pints per acre.

– St. Augustinegrass – use 1.0 pint of herbicide per acre.

In the case of broadcast applications use 1.25 to 2 pints per acre in 20 to 240 gallons of water per acre. Only in the case of sod farms, remember that you have to use a volume of 5 50 175 gallons per acre.

For spot application mix 0.46 to 1.10 fl. oz. in 0.5 to 5.5 gallons of water per 1.000 square feet.

Other Non-Crop Areas

If you prefer the broadcast application, then you can mix a rate of 2 to 3 pints of Change Up herbicide in 50 to 300 gallons of water per acre.

For spot applications, you can use 0.75 to 2.0 oz herbicide per gallon of water.

Steps to apply it

It is extremely easy to work with this herbicide because it is selective and has no usage restrictions.

You can use Change up herbicide by following these steps:

  1. Prepare the area correctly for herbicide spraying. This means that you should avoid mowing the grass or turf for 1 to 2 days before applying the herbicide.
  2. Make sure you apply it at the right time. So, when should you apply Change Up herbicide?

    You can apply the Change Up herbicide in spring when the weeds start emerging from the soil until they begin to enter the dormant phase.

  3. Check the weather conditions and ensure they are suitable for spraying herbicide.

    You should avoid spraying the herbicide when it is excessively hot or dry. But if you have access to irrigation, then it is fine to do it even when the condition are dry.

    It is important to check the weather forecast and determine if rain is expected. Ideally, there should be no rainfall within 24-48 hours after application.

    Moreover, don’t forget to consider the wind conditions. It is recommended to apply the herbicide when the wind speed ranges from 2 to 10 mph at the application site.

  4. If steps 2 and 3 are clear, then you’re ready to begin working with herbicide. Before you start, ensure that you are fully equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for herbicides.

    When working with Change Up herbicide, you will need the following:

    – Long-sleeved shirt
    – Long pants
    – Coveralls
    – Chemical-resistant footwear along with socks
    – Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material
    – Chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposure
    – Protective eyewear

  5. Begin by mixing the herbicide. Measure the correct amount of Change Up herbicide based on the recommended mixing ratio indicated on the label. Also, ensure you check the amount of water volume.

    Stir the solution thoroughly until all components are dissolved. At this stage, you can choose to add a surfactant for herbicides to increase the effectiveness of the herbicide.

    Remember that the herbicide’s selectivity changes if you decide to include a surfactant, oil, or wetting agent. The changed selectivity can potentially harm your turf.

  6. Prepare your sprayer and pour the herbicide solution into the desired sprayer.
  7. Apply the Change Up herbicide mixture evenly and directly to the foliage of the target weeds. Utilize a sprayer that ensures uniform coverage and respects the recommended spray pressure and nozzle type for optimal results.

    Make sure you spray enough – all leaves and stems of the weeds must be fully covered in herbicide.

    Although Change Up herbicide is selective, it is advisable to spray only the unwanted weeds to prevent any potential damage to desired plants, even the slightest indication of harm.

  8. After you finish spraying, clean your PPE equipment and the sprayer.

Tip: Do not mow your lawn immediately after spraying with Change Up herbicide. Wait for 2 to 3 days after application and then mow.

Herbicide Compatibility

Apart from surfactant and wetting agents, Change Uo herbicide can be mixed with some liquid fertilizers or liquid iron materials. According to the label, before mixing any of them, you have to check all the State and Federal regulations and make a compatibility test.

Step-by-step compatibility test for Change Up herbicide:

  1. Prepare a quart jar and pour 18 oz of water into it.
  2. Add 1 oz of liquid fertilizer or liquid iron to the jar.
  3. Add 1 oz of Change Up herbicide to the jar.
  4. Close the jar tightly and shake it to mix the contents.
  5. Allow the jar to sit for 30 minutes.
  6. After 30 minutes, check the jar and observe the solution. If the solution is not fully dissolved or if excessive foam is present, do not use it as these are signs of incompatibility.
  7. If the mixture appears well dissolved, you can proceed to apply it in the field.

Tip: It is recommended to prepare an approximate amount of solution that you will need, rather than leaving it sitting around. The viability of the solution typically lasts for the first 24 hours.


According to the herbicide label, you should consider the following application restrictions:

– You should not apply more than 3 pints of herbicide per acre per application.

– It is recommended to avoid applying more than 2 broadcast applications of Change Up herbicide to the same area per year. However, you can use it as a spot treatment when necessary.

– You should not exceed a total of 6 pints of herbicide per acre per year, including both broadcast and spot treatments.

– The second application of the herbicide should be carried out 21 days after the initial application.

– Do not apply this product to lawns or turf during the spring transition.

– Do not spray newly seeded grasses with this herbicide.

– Change Up herbicide cannot be applied by air.

– You should not spray Change Up herbicide through any type of irrigation system.

Change Up herbicide also has some application restrictions regarding its active ingredients.
These are the followings:

– The usage of MCPA should not exceed 3.0 lbs ae per acre annually, with a maximum of 1.5 lbs ae per individual application and no more than 2 broadcast applications.

– The application of Fluroxypyr must follow the restriction of 0.47 lbs ae per acre per year.

– When using Dicamba, make sure to respect the application limit of 2.0 lbs ae per acre per year, a maximum of 1.0 lbs ae per application, and no more than 2 broadcast applications per year.

What does this herbicide kill?

Change Up herbicide successfully controls over 250 broadleaf weeds.

The Change Up herbicide can kill Creeping Charlie also known as Ground Ivy, Bindeweed, Poison Ivy, Dandelion, Chickweed, Thistles, and many more.

At the same time, Change up herbicide is safe for Centipede Grass, Bermuda, Bluegrass, Carpetgrass, Fescue, Rye, and Zoysia Turfs.

Table 1. Weeds Controlled by Change Up Herbicide
Alder Annual yellow sweet clover Artichoke Aster
Austrian fieldcress Bedstraw Beggartick Biden
Bindweed Bird vetch Bitterweed Bitter wintercress
Black-eyed Susan Black medic Black mustard Black-seed plantain
Blessed thistle Blue lettuce Blue vervain Box elder
Bracted plantain Brassbuttons Bristly oxtongue Broadleaf dock
Broadleaf plantain Broomweed Buckhorn Buckhorn plantain
Bulbous buttercup Bull nettle Bull thistle Burdock
Burning nettle Bur ragweed Burweed Buttercup
Canada thistle Carolina geranium Carpetweed Catchweed bedstraw
Catsear Catnip Chickweed Chicory
Cinquefoil Clover Cockle Cocklebur
Coffeebean Coffeeweed Common chickweed Common mullein
Common sowthistle Corn Chamomile Creeping jenny Crimson clover
Croton Cudweed Curly dock Curly indigo
Dandelion Dead nettle Dock Dogbane
Dogfennel Elderberry English daisy Fall dandelion
False dandelion False flax False sunflower Fiddleneck
Field bindweed Field pansy Fleabane (daisy) Flixweed
Florida betony Florida pusley Frenchweed Galinsoga
Garlic mustard Goathead Goatsbeard Goldenrod
Ground ivy Gumweed Hairy bittercress Hairy fleabane
Hawkweed Healall Heartleaf drymary Hedge bindweed
Hedge mustard Hemp Henbit Hoary cress
Hoary plantain Hoary vervain Honeysuckle Hop clover
Horsenettle Horsetail Indiana mallow Ironweed
Jewelweed Jimsonweed Kochia Knawel
Knotweed Lambsquarter Lespedeza Locoweed
Lupine Mallow Marshelder Matchweed
Mexicanweed Milk vetch Milkweed bloodflower Mugwort
Morningglory Mousear chickweed Musk thistle Mustard
Narrowleaf plantain Narrowleaf vetch Nettle Nutgrass
Orange hawkweed Oxalis Oxeye daisy Parsley-piert
Parsnip Pearlwort Pennycress Pennywort
Peppergrass Pepperweed Pigweed Pineywoods bedstdaw
Plains coreopsis Plantain Poison hemlock Poison ivy
Poison oak Pokeweed Poorjoe Povertyweed
Prickly lettuce Prickly sida Primrose Prostdate knotweed
Prostdate pigweed Prostdate spurge Prostdate vervain Puncture vine
Purslane Ragweed Red clover Redroot pigweed
Red sorrel Redstem filaree Rough cinquefoil Rough fleabane
Roundleafed marigold Rush Russian pigweed Russian thistle
St. Johnswort Scarlet pimpernel Scotch thistle Sheep sorrel
Shepherdspurse Slender plantain Smallflower galinsoga
Smartweed Smooth dock Smooth pigweed Sneezeweed
Southern wild rose Sowthistle Spanishneedle Spatterdock
Speedwell Spiny Amaranth Spiny cocklebur Spotted catsear
Spotted knapweed Spotted spurge Spurge Spurweed
Stinging nettle Stinkweed Stitchwort Stdawberry clover
Sumac Sunflower Sweet clover Tall nettle
Tall vervain Tansy mustard Tansy ragwort Tanweed
Tarweed Thistle Tick tdefoil Toadflax
tdailing crownvetch Tumble mustard Tumble pigweed Tumbleweed
Velvet leaf Venice mallow Veronica Vervain
Vetch Virginia buttonweed Virginia creeper Virginia pepperweed
Wavyleaf bullthistle Western clematis Western salsify White clover
White mustard Wild mustard Wild aster Wild buckwheat
Wild carrot Wild four-o’-clock Wild garlic Wild geranium
Wild lettuce Wild marigold Wild onion Wild parsnip
Wild radish Wild rape Wild stdawberry Wild sweet potato
Wild vetch Willow Witchweed Woolly morningglory
Woodsorrel Woolly croton Woolly plantain Wormseed
Yarrow Yellow rocket Yellowflower pepperweed

How to store it

Change Up herbicide can be stored in its original container in a dry and cool place, away from sunlight and heat. Ideally, it should be stored in a location that cannot contaminate water, food, or feed, and is inaccessible to animals, pets, and children.

It is also important to label the container appropriately so everyone can understand its contents.


An alternative to Change Up herbicide is Tenacity herbicide. Tenacity contains mesotrione and controls a broad spectrum of weeds, including broadleaf and grassy weeds. As Change Up, Tenacity can be used in turfgrass management.

The manufacturer of Change Up herbicide is Nufarm Americas Inc.

Change Up herbicide can also be bought on Amazon, and the price for it in May 2023 is $53.

About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

  1. 1.
    Jonathan D. Rowson

    Can Tenacity be mixed with ChangeUp? What about combining either with Sledgehammer?

    1. 2.

      Hello Jonathan,

      Change Up does not list Tenacity as a tank mix on its label.

      Tenacity has been tested in tank mixtures with Barricade 65WG Herbicide, dicamba, Turflon Ester, Quicksilver Herbicide, Basagran, Princep, AAtrex, and metribuzin.

      Neither product includes Sledgehammer as a tank mix option.

      You can try doing a test jar to observe the reaction. If there are no adverse effects, then you should spray a small area first and monitor it before applying it on a larger scale.

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