Crossbow Herbicide

Crossbow Herbicide

As a farmer, taking care of your rangeland, grass pastures, and weed control around large fences on the farm can be a challenging task. But herbicides like Crossbow herbicide comes in handy as the perfect tool for farmers who want to control unwanted vegetation with ease and efficiency.

This herbicide can be a game-changer for those who want to get rid of weeds without harming other desirable plants. This herbicide is designed to target specific types of weeds, making it an all-in-one solution for weed control.

By reading my quick and easy guide on this herbicide, you will learn how it works, how to apply it easily, and what to look out for while doing so.

What is Crossbow Herbicide

Crossbow is a selective, post-emergent herbicide used to control unwanted vegetation, including a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, without harming grasses.

How does crossbow herbicide work

Crossbow herbicide works by being absorbed by the roots, leaves, and stems of the targeted weeds. The herbicide moves through the weed’s entire system once it has been absorbed.

Both active ingredients in this herbicide mimic a specific weed growth hormone called auxin, which is responsible for the weed’s ability to grow and reproduce.

Once inside the weed, these two ingredients of Crossbow herbicide affect the cells in the tissues, ultimately leading to the weed’s death.

But how long does it take for Crossbow herbicide to work?

It can take 7 to 14 days for Crossbow herbicide to work.

This systemic herbicide must be absorbed by the plant’s system, so even if you see a change in the weed’s leaves, it can take up to 14 days for the plant to die completely.

The duration may also vary depending on factors such as the type and size of the weed and the level of infestation.

When to apply crossbow herbicide

Crossbow herbicide should be applied during the active growing stage of the weeds, typically in early spring to early summer.

Since it is a post-emergent herbicide, the weeds must be above ground level and actively growing for optimal results.

How to apply Crossbow herbicide

To apply Crossbow herbicide you must follow some simple steps:

  1. Ensure it is the appropriate time to apply the Crossbow herbicide and that the weeds are in the correct stage for treatment.
  2. Select a day with suitable weather conditions. Avoid applying the herbicide when humidity is low, wind speeds exceed 10 mph, temperatures are very high or low near freezing, or when there is rain forecast within the next 24 hours following application.

    Although Crossbow herbicide is rainfast within two hours of application, it is perfect to not rain for the next 24 hours in order to have a successful application with great results.
  3. If the weather conditions are appropriate, gather the necessary PPE for the herbicide application.

    For Crossbow herbicide you need the following: a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes, socks, chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber, or viton, protective eyewear, and a chemical-resistant apron.

    You only need the chemical-resistant apron when mixing and loading the herbicide solution.
  4. After you are fully dressed in appropriate PPE, fill the container with the desired quantity of water.
  5. Check the right ratio of Crossbow herbicide on the label.

    Rangeland and Permanent Pastures:

    – The maximum application rate is 1 gallon per acre per growing season of concentrated Crossbow herbicide (only herbicide).
    – Per acre, you can use 2 gallons or more of the final spray solution, meaning here the right ratio of herbicide to the desired quantity of water.


    – For annual and perennial weeds, you can use a maximum amount of 1 gallon of concentrated Crossbow herbicide (only herbicide) per application.
    – A second application can only be made after 30 days.
    – Per acre, you can use 2 gallons or more of the final spray solution, meaning here the right ratio of herbicide to the desired quantity of water.

  6. Measure out the required amount of herbicide and add it to the spray tank while the water is agitating.
  7. Stir and shake the solution thoroughly. Continuously agitate the solution before spraying.
  8. Pour the solution into the sprayer for application.

    When applying 2,4-D herbicides, it is necessary for applicators to comply with state and local regulations regarding pesticide drift.
  9. Begin by spraying only on the targeted area, being careful not to spray it on desirable plants.
  10. Ensure that the weeds are fully wet with the herbicide solution by spraying them well.
  11. Walk at a steady pace and slightly overlap each pass to ensure even coverage.
  12. After spraying, rinse the spray tank and equipment thoroughly with water.

Crossbow Herbicide mix ratio

The Crossbow herbicide mix ratio is 1 1/3 – 5 1/3 fl. oz. per gallon of water.

The amount varies depending on the concentration desired.

For a concentration of 1%, you should mix 1 1/3 fl. oz. of herbicide per gallon of water. For 1.5%, 2 fl. oz. per gallon of water is required, and for 4%, 5 1/2 fl. oz. per gallon of water is needed.

If you need more than one gallon of spray solution, check the table for the right mix ratio:

Table 1. Mixing Percent Solutions Chart for Crossbow Herbicide
Size of Sprayer Amount of Crossbow Herbicide
Gallons 1% 1.5% 4%
1 gal 1 1/3 fl oz 2 fl oz 5 1/3 fl oz
3 gal 4 fl oz 6 fl oz 1 pt
5 gal 6 2/3 fl oz 10 fl oz 1 2/3 pt
50 gal 2 qt 3 qt 2 gal
100 gal 1 gal 1.5 gal 4 gal

What does crossbow herbicide kill

Crossbow herbicide kills woody plants and brushes such as poison oak and poison ivy, as well as lots of annual and perennial weeds. Check the table to see all the weeds that Crossbow herbicide controls.

Table 2. High Volume Foliar Treatment or Spot Treatment.
1% Mixture 1% Mixture 1 to 1.5% Mixture 1.5% Mixture
1 qt/acre 2 qt/acre 2 – 4 qt/acre 4 qt/acre
blueweed (B) –
buttercup, annual (A) –
horseweed, (marestail) (A) –
lambsquarters, common (A) –
mustard, wild (A) –
ragweed, common (A) –
spurge, thyme-leaf (A)
bedstraw, annual (A) –
bluebur (A) –
burdock (B) –
clover, white sweet (B) –
clover, bur (A) –
cocklebur (A) –
croton, wooly (A) –
dogbane, hemp (P) (TG) –
ironweed, tall (P) –
lettuce, wild (A,WA) –
mustard, tansy (WA) –
radish, wild (A) –
ragwort, tansy (B) –
shepherd’s purse (WA)
amaranth, spiny (A) –
buttercup, tall (P) –
chickweed, mouseear (P) –
clover, white (P) –
dandelion (P) –
dock, curly (P) –
galinsoga, hairy (A) –
goatsbeard (A,B) –
henbit (B,WA) –
ironweed, western (P) –
ivy, ground (P) –
kochia (A) –
lespedeza (A) –
oxalis (P) –
pennycress, field (WA) –
pepperweed, field (A,B) –
pigweed, redroot (A) –
plantain, broadleaf (P) –
plantain, narrow-leaf (P) –
purslane, annual (A) –
sneezeweed, bitter (A) –
sowthistle, annual (A) –
sunflower (A) –
thistle, Russian (A) –
vetch (P) –
violet, wild (P) –
wormwood, biennial (B) –
yellow rocket (P,B)
bindweed, field (P) (TG) –
carrot, wild (B) –
chicory (P) suppression –
cinquefoil (A,B,P) –
dogfennel (P) suppression –
fleabane, annual (A,B) –
goldenrod (P) (TG) –
horsenettle (P) –
kudzu (P) (TG) –
marshelder (A) –
milkweed (P) suppression –
pepperweed, perennial (P) –
pokeweed (P) –
sesbania, hemp (A) –
sowthistle, perennial (P)(TG) –
spurge, leafy (P) (TG) –
thistle, bull (B) –
thistle, Canada (P) (TG) –
thistle, musk (nodding) (B) –
yarrow (P)

(A) Annual; (B) Biennial; (WA) Winter Annual; (P) Perennial; (TG) Top growth control only. Repeat treatment may be necessary.

Crossbow Herbicide Application restrictions

Crossbow herbicide must be applied only in the areas where the death of weeds is desired.

When using this herbicide, you have to consider and follow the herbicide’s application restrictions.

  • Do not use this product in any type of irrigation system.
  • Do not apply the herbicide on desirable plants.
  • Do not apply Crossbow herbicide on bentgrass.
  • Do not apply it on newly seeded grasses. Wait for the grass to grow.
  • Do not use it on pastures that contain legumes like clover.
  • Do not apply it on cotton, grapes, tobacco, vegetable crops, citrus flowers, fruit, ornamental trees, and plants, or other desirable broadleaf plants.

Another thing to keep in mind is if you have dairy animals around, do not allow them to graze the treated areas until the next growing season after you apply the Crossbow herbicide.

Also, do not harvest the sprayed area for hay for 14 days after application.

How to store Crossbow herbicide

You can store Crossbow herbicide in a dark place with a temperature not too cold or too high, far away from the sun’s rays, animals, pets, or children.

Also, you should not store it next to food, feed, drugs, or clothing. Try to label it properly for any other person to recognize it.

As you can see, you can store this herbicide, but you should not store the spray mixtures.


An alternative to the Crossbow herbicide is the Remedy Ultra herbicide. This herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide containing Triclopyr (60.45%). It provides excellent control over woody and broadleaf weeds in different types of sites.

Another alternative that works as well as Crossbow is the Surmount herbicide. It also offers broad-spectrum broadleaf weed control and contains picloram and fluroxypyr 1-methylheptyl ester as active ingredients.

The active ingredient in Crossbow herbicide

The active ingredients in Crossbow herbicide are 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and triclopyr BEE (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyloxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester).

2,4-D is a selective, systemic herbicide commonly used to control most broadleaf weeds in various settings while leaving most grasses unaffected. Similarly, triclopyr BEE is also a selective, systemic, and synthetic herbicide that controls only certain types of plants.

The Crossbow herbicide contains 2 lb of active ingredient 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) per gallon of the herbicide, which is equivalent to 23.7% of the product’s total volume. Additionally, it contains 1 lb of the active ingredient triclopyr BEE per gallon, which is equivalent to 11.9% of the product’s total volume.

In other words, Crossbow herbicide has a concentration of 2 lb/gal of 2,4-D and 1 lb/gal of triclopyr BEE.

Where can you buy Crossbow herbicide

Crossbow herbicides can be bought online from various platforms. To save you the trouble of searching, I have attached a link below to Amazon where you can purchase this herbicide directly.


Who makes Crossbow herbicide?

Crossbow herbicide is made by Dow AgroSciences, which is a subsidiary of Corteva Agriscience.

Is crossbow herbicide safe for pets?

Crossbow is safe for pets when applied correctly and after drying. Crossbow herbicide dries within two hours of spraying, and after that, you can easily leave your pets in the treated area.

It is also safe for other animals and pets. However, after spraying, you should not allow lactating dairy animals to graze that area until the next growing season.

Another consideration is that Crossbow herbicide can become toxic to pets if it is ingested, inhaled, or comes into contact with their skin. Just keep them away from the treated area until the herbicide has completely dried.

Is Crossbow a restricted-use herbicide?

No, Crossbow is not a restricted-user herbicide in the United States. It can be widely used by homeowners and licensed professionals. Nevertheless, it is important to always read and follow the label instructions carefully.

Does Crossbow herbicide need a surfactant?

According to the Crossbow herbicide label, it does not need a surfactant for herbicides. You can apply it by only mixing it with the right amount of water.

Can Crossbow herbicide freeze?

Yes, Crossbow herbicide can freeze if it is exposed to low temperatures when in liquid form. When it freezes, the active ingredients in the herbicide can separate, which can make the product ineffective.

To prevent potential damage from freezing, it is recommended to store Crossbow herbicide in a cool, dry place above freezing temperatures. A temperature of 10°F is generally suitable for storage.

If your herbicide has frozen, it is important to first inspect the container. Water-based herbicides, such as Crossbow herbicides, can expand when they freeze, potentially causing the container to crack or burst.

Will Crossbow herbicide work in cold weather?

Crossbow herbicide can work in cold weather, but its effectiveness may be significantly reduced. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to apply the herbicide when temperatures are between 55°F and 85°F.

Additionally, it is important to consider that during cold weather, some weeds may enter a dormant phase and stop growing, which can make them less susceptible to herbicide treatment.

How soon after using Crossbow herbicide can you plant seeds?

You can plant seeds after a minimum of 3 weeks after using Crossbow herbicide. It is also important to consider the amount and concentration of the herbicide used in the area. If you are able to wait longer than three weeks, it is not a bad idea to do so. However, it is always important to follow the recommended waiting time as indicated on the product label.

Can you apply Crossbow herbicide to your lawn?

You can apply Crossbow herbicide to turfgrass and rangeland, permanent grass pasture, and areas like fence rows. Read the label for guidance on whether Crossbow herbicide is appropriate for use on your lawn.

Does Crossbow herbicide kill grass?

No, Crossbow herbicide does not kill the grass. It is a herbicide that effectively controls broadleaf weeds, woody plants, and perennial plants.

Does Crossbow herbicide kill clover?

Yes, Crossbow herbicide can kill clover, thistles, spurge weed, dandelion, poison ivy, poison oak, and other annual and perennial weeds. Still, it is important to note that Crossbow herbicide is not labeled for use on all types of plants, and is ineffective in killing bamboo, junipers, or dallisgrass.

Can you spray Crossbow on wet grass?

No, you should not spray Crossbow herbicide on wet grass because it can affect its effectiveness. For great results, you should wait and apply the herbicide on dry grass.

Is Crossbow herbicide safe for bees?

Yes, Crossbow herbicide is safe for bees if used properly. However, from my personal experience, I would avoid spraying herbicides around any bee hives. If possible, it is best to use organic herbicides that contain natural substances.

If you need to use synthetic herbicides such as Crossbow, it is important to note that even though it is considered safe, it is best to spray when the bees are not actively foraging. This will give the herbicide time to dry and reduce the risk of affecting the bees

About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

  1. 1.
    Fran Shepherd

    I’m allergic to Virginia Creeper and I have it growing on both sides of my property in Middle Tennessee. Currently, I’m using a mixture of Distilled Vinegar, table salt, and Dawn liquid dish soap as a surfactant.
    It definitely kills the leaves on the vines but I’m not sure that it will kill the whole plant
    Does Crossbow kill the whole plant if applied topically? The vines going up the trees are as big around as my arm, which is not huge. will it kill the tree to put the Crossbow on just the vines? It was suggested that I cut the vine near the bottom of the tree and apply a small amount of Crossbow to where I cut the vine so that it would kill the roots and the rest of the vine would eventually the rest of the vine would also die. I’m wondering if the vine could be getting nutrition from the tree and live on. so many questions and I’m in over my head with this creeping poison. Help?? Please!
    Thanks for reading my questions and if you don’t know the answers. I can just try and see what

    1. 2.

      Hi, and thank you for contacting us!

      First of all, I want to let you know that what you are trying with your homemade organic herbicide may not effectively kill Virginia Creeper. While it might cause some leaves to dry out, it is unlikely to kill the entire plant.

      Crossbow is a selective herbicide commonly used to control woody plants, including vines like Virginia Creeper. It is known to be effective against many broadleaf weeds and woody plants.

      When applied topically, Crossbow can kill the leaves and stems of the plant. However, the effectiveness of Crossbow in killing the entire plant, including the roots, may depend on factors such as the concentration and application method. Cutting the vine near the base and applying Crossbow to the cut surface can help ensure the herbicide reaches the roots, potentially killing the entire plant over time.

      My suggestion would be to use another herbicide.

      To kill Virginia Creeper use a quality non-selective herbicide that contains the chemical glyphosate like Roundup, RM43, or Ranger Pro. I also recommend that you follow the suggestion of cutting the vine near the bottom of the tree and then applying a non-selective herbicide from above.

      I hope my answer will help you. Please keep me updated and let me know how things are going.

      1. 3.
        Fran Shepherd

        Thanks for your reply. I have been trying to eliminate my creeping Virginia toxic vine by physically removing it very carefully, wearing gloves and putting the vines in a trash bag, and sending it to the landfill, much as I hate to do that. I may try the crossbow at some point, but right now Im still using the vinegar and salt spray.

  2. 4.

    I too am curious about using a herbicide on vines that have roots next to the roots of the tree. Will it kill the tree?

    1. 5.

      I too am interested in the effects on trees, both deciduous and coniferous. Specifically, willow, apple, plum, pear, apricot, chokecherry, & yellow pine.

      1. 6.

        Hello John,

        Using herbicides on vines with roots close to tree roots can be tricky. While some herbicides are selective and target only specific plants, there’s always a risk that they could affect the tree, especially if the roots are intertwined or the herbicide is absorbed through the soil.

        You can consider using a targeted application method, such as using a paintbrush to apply the herbicide directly to the vine’s foliage. This would minimize the potential harm to your tree. However, a small risk still exists.

        For fruit trees, I would consider other alternatives like organic herbicides, mulching, or manual removal.

  3. 7.

    What is the rain safe time for Crossbow?

    1. 8.

      Hello Jim,

      Crossbow herbicide becomes rainfast two hours after application, but for the best results, it’s ideal if there’s no rain for at least 24 hours following the treatment.

  4. 9.

    If a horse pasture is sprayed with crossbow can you still use the horse manure in garden compost?

    1. 10.

      Hello Vickie,

      Crossbow label states it is safe for animals to graze in treated pastures once the spray has dried, but there’s a difference between animal safety and using manure for gardening purposes.

      Even though the herbicide doesn’t harm animals directly, residues of the chemicals, especially those in Crossbow, can pass through manure and potentially affect sensitive plants.

      It’s best to wait at least several weeks after application before using the manure for composting, and ideally, compost it thoroughly to help break down any remaining herbicide. I recommend testing it on a small section of your garden first to ensure there are no negative effects.

  5. 11.
    Stuart Hagen

    Can I use Crossbow on young Giant Miscanthus? I assume it is ok to use it on established stands of Miscanthus, but it is unclear if I can spray it on newly planted Miscanthus rhizomes that have not emerged yet or just emerging?

    1. 12.

      Hello Stuart,

      You should avoid applying it to newly planted rhizomes or those just emerging. It is too risky, as the herbicide may harm or inhibit the growth of young plants. For best results, I recommend waiting until the Giant Miscanthus is well-established and has emerged before applying Crossbow.

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