Milestone Herbicide: A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Weed Control

Milestone Herbicide

Are you struggling with annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in your garden or fields? Do they keep coming back and causing you headaches?

Milestone herbicide might be the solution you need to finally combat these annoying weeds.

This herbicide is easy to use, effective against a wide range of broadleaf weeds, and is considered to have low toxicity to humans, pets, and wildlife.

In this article, I will provide you with all the information you need to know about Milestone herbicide, from its active ingredient to how to properly mix and apply it, as well as other useful tips and frequently asked questions.

What is Milestone herbicide?

Milestone herbicide is a systemic, selective, and versatile post-emergent herbicide that can also be used as a pre-emergent treatment for susceptible weeds.

What is milestone herbicide used for?

Milestone herbicide is used for areas like rangeland, permanent grass pastures, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres, non-cropland areas such as roadsides, non-irrigation ditch banks, wildlife management areas, wildlife openings, wildlife habitats, recreation areas, campgrounds, trailheads, trails, and grazed areas.

Milestone herbicide cannot be used in urban or residential lands.

The Active ingredient in Milestone herbicide

The active ingredient in Milestone herbicide is aminopyralid.

The concentration of the active ingredient aminopyralid in the Milestone herbicide is 21.1%. Also, the product has a density of 2 pounds per gallon (lb/gal).

How does milestone herbicide work?

Milestone herbicide works by inhibiting the growth of weeds. Its active ingredient aminopyralid classifies it to the group 4 herbicides, which are known as synthetic auxins that mimic the action of weed’s hormones.

When the herbicide is sprayed, the weed absorbs it through the leaves and roots and distributes it throughout the entire system of the weed. Like other systemic herbicides, it works by moving throughout the weed’s tissues. This disrupts the weed’s growth, causing it to wilt, discolor, and eventually die.

This systemic, selective herbicide targets only specific types of plants while leaving others unaffected.

What does milestone herbicide kill

Milestone herbicide kills broadleaf weeds and woody plants, including invasive and noxious weeds in areas such as ranges, pastures, and other industrial sites.

Below in Table 1, you can find all broadleaf and woody plants controlled by this herbicide.

Table 1. Weeds killed by Milestone herbicide
Common Name Scientific Name Rate Range (fl oz/acre) Life Cycle Plant Family
spiny amaranth Amaranthus spinosus 4 to 7 annual Amaranthaceae
bedstraw Galium spp. 4 to 7 perennial Rubiaceae
beggarticks Bidens spp. 4 to 7 annual Asteraceae
annual broomweed Amphiachyris dracunculoides 4 to 7 annual Asteraceae
common burdock Arctium minus 4 to 7 biennial Asteraceae
hairy buttercup Ranunculus sardous 4 to 7 annual Ranunculaceae
tall buttercup Ranunculus acris 4 to 7 perennial Ranunculaceae
buttercup spp. Ranunculus spp. 4 to 7 various Ranunculaceae

How to mix Milestone herbicide

You can mix Milestone herbicide by following these easy steps:

  1. Fill the spray tank with clean, fresh water, but only fill it halfway with the amount of water needed for the desired final spray volume.
  2. Stir and agitate the water while adding the recommended amount of Milestone herbicide to the tank.
  3. Continue agitating the solution and add other tank-mix partners such as other herbicides, adjuvants, surfactants, or liquid fertilizer solutions.

    Can you add surfactant for Milestone herbicide?

    Yes, you can add and use Milestone herbicide with surfactant for herbicides. It is recommended to use a high-quality non-ionic surfactant or adjuvant at 0.25 to 0.5% volume per volume, which means 1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons of spray. This enhances the efficacy of the herbicide.

    – You can tank mix Milestone herbicide with the following herbicides when used as pre-emergent weed control: Accord XRT II, Rodeo, Dimension 2EW, Dimension EC, Oust X Herbicide, and Esplanade 200 SC.

    If you plan to tank mix Milestone herbicide with other herbicides not listed on the label, ensure that the mixture is not prohibited by the label of the other herbicide. Additionally, it is essential to perform a jar test to check for compatibility before mixing any herbicides.

    The jar test is a method of determining the compatibility of different solutions. To perform the jar test, mix a small amount of both solutions in a jar and observe their compatibility. If the solutions are not compatible, do not use them together to avoid potential issues during application.

    – It is not necessary, but if you want, you can mix this herbicide with liquid fertilizer solutions. However, you should perform a jar test first to make sure that all solutions are compatible.

  4. Once all products are fully dissolved, add the rest of the water to achieve the final spray volume.
  5. After all of this, you have to continue to agitate and stir the solution even during application.

How to apply Milestone herbicide

  1. Ensure that the timing of the application is appropriate. Milestone herbicide should be applied when the targeted weeds are actively growing but before they reach maturity, as a post-emergent treatment. This typically occurs in early summer.

    Alternatively, use Milestone herbicide as a pre-emergent treatment in early spring before weeds emerge.
  2. Check the weather conditions before spraying Milestone herbicide.

    Optimal weather conditions include:

    – Temperatures between 65 and 85°F
    – Wind speeds lower than 10 mph
    – No local temperature inversion occurring
    – No heavy rain is forecasted

  3. Ensure you have the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for herbicides as recommended on the Milestone herbicide label. This includes a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes.
  4. Choose how you want to apply the herbicide and prepare your herbicide applicator.

    Milestone herbicide can be applied using multiple methods, including simple spraying applicators like backpack sprayers and hand sprayers, as well as larger-scale sprayers like boom sprayers and airblast sprayers.

    Whatever method you choose, it is important to consider the size of the droplets. Managing to reduce spray drift is crucial. To achieve this, you need to apply larger droplets.

    Ground equipment

    When using ground equipment to apply herbicide, there are several ways to reduce spray drift:

    • Keep the spray boom as low as possible
    • Use at least 10 gallons of spray per acre
    • Use the minimum operating spray pressure recommended by the nozzle manufacturer (low-pressure nozzles are available)
    • Spray when the wind is low
    • Avoid spraying in very calm conditions that can cause thermal inversions
    • Direct sprays only to the tops of the target plants

    Aerial Application

    To avoid spray drift when using an aerial application, follow these guidelines:

    Keep the boom length below a certain percentage of the aircraft’s span.
    Ensure the nozzles are pointed backward or not downward too much.

    When applying a substance from an aircraft, keep the aircraft at a height no greater than 10 feet above the top of the tallest plants. This reduces the chances of the droplets evaporating or being carried away.

  5. Begin mixing the Milestone herbicide with water and other compatible substances.

    First, add only half of the amount of water, then check the label and add the recommended amount of herbicide, and stir the solution. Continue stirring and agitating until it is evenly distributed.

  6. Pour the resulting solution into the applicator and spray over the target area, making sure to cover the weeds completely with herbicide.

    At the same time, try to avoid spraying herbicides on desired plants.

  7. Do not water the treated area for at least 24 hours, and do not mow it either.
  8. Allow the herbicide to dry. Milestone herbicide is rainfast within two hours of application.
  9. Clean your equipment.

Milestone herbicide post-Emergent treatment on grass

Milestone herbicide should be applied as a post-emergent treatment only after perennial grasses have developed a secondary root system, as they are more tolerant to the herbicide at this stage.

However, it is important to note that Milestone herbicide can affect some established grasses like bromegrass, particularly when they are growing in stressful environmental conditions.

Milestone herbicide pre-Emergent treatment

– Use Milestone herbicide as a pre-emergent treatment on susceptible weeds before their seed germination.

– Lower rates of Milestone (less than 7 fl oz per acre) may provide short-term control of some weeds, but 7 fl oz (broadcast) or 14 fl oz (spot treatment) provide extended control.

– For total vegetation control, Milestone at 7 fl oz per acre should be mixed with other herbicides to increase the range of weeds controlled, especially grasses.

– Tank mixtures with other herbicides like flumioxazin, diuron, or those labeled for total vegetation control applications may be required to control grasses and broadleaf weeds resistant to Milestone.

Table 2. Milestone Herbicide Tank Mixtures as Pre-Emergent Treatment
Tank Mix Product EPA Reg. No. Active Ingredient(s)
Accord XRT II 62719-556 Glycine, N-(phosphonomethyl)-, compd. with N-methylmethanamine (1:1)
Rodeo 62719-324 Glyphosate; Glyphosate-isopropylammonium
Dimension 2EW 62719-542 Dithiopyr
Dimension EC 62719-426 Dithiopyr
Oust X Herbicide 432-1552 Sulfometuron
Esplanade 200 SC 432-1516 Indaziflam

Milestone herbicide spot treatment

If you want to apply Milestone herbicide as a spot treatment, keep the following guidelines in mind:

– Up to 0.22 lb (14 fl oz) of herbicide per acre per year can be used, but no more than 50% of an acre can be treated at that rate.

– The total amount of Milestone herbicide that you can apply per acre per year should not exceed 0.11 lb (7 fl oz).

– Spray volume should be enough to cover the entire weed but not so much that the solution runs off of it.

– The treatment can be repeated if necessary, as long as the total amount of herbicide per acre per year is not exceeded.

– For an accurate application, you should use a calibrated sprayer.

Reason Milestone herbicide may not work

If you have applied Milestone herbicide and are not seeing any results, it may be an indication that something went wrong during the application process.

Below are some reasons why Milestone herbicide may not work. Just review them to determine the cause of your situation.

– The weather conditions were not optimal for herbicide application. If applied during periods of intense rainfall, the herbicide can be diluted and may not have enough time to be absorbed by the weeds, reducing its effectiveness. Similarly, applying it during high temperatures or very dry conditions can cause the herbicide to evaporate and have little or no effect.

– It is crucial to use the right dose of herbicide as recommended on the label. Always check the label and follow the recommended ratio to ensure effective control of the target weeds.

– Avoid using the herbicide to control weeds that are not recommended on the label. Make sure that the target weeds are listed on the herbicide label before application.

– Applying the herbicide at the wrong time can also affect its effectiveness. Make sure to apply Milestone herbicide when the target weeds are at the appropriate growth stage as indicated on the label.

Milestone herbicide alternative

An alternative to the Milestone herbicide can be Garlon herbicide or Vastlan herbicide.

Safety Tips and Restrictions

This selective herbicide must always be used with caution. I strongly recommend that you carefully read the herbicide label and take note of any usage restrictions or manufacturer recommendations.

Let’s review together the situations when it is not appropriate to use herbicides and discuss how to safely use Milestone herbicide

– Do not use or apply Milestone herbicide directly to water.

– Reduce the spray drift when spraying this herbicide alongside the shoreline or water’s edge.

– Do not contaminate water when cleaning your equipment.

– Do not apply Milestone herbicide on sensitive crops like grapes, soybeans, tobacco, or any ornamentals.

– Avoid over-application of Milestone herbicide. Do not exceed the recommended total annual amount of 0.11 lb acid equivalent (7 fl oz) per acre as a result of broadcast, spot, or repeat applications.

– Do not use any type of irrigation system to apply this product.

– Do not apply this herbicide on lawns, turf, ornamental plantings, urban walkways, tennis courts, golf courses, or any other athletic field.

Restrictions on Hay and Manure Use

– Do not use any plant residues treated with Milestone herbicide within the last 18 months in compost, mulch, wood chips, or mushroom spawn.

– Avoid using manure from animals that have consumed aminopyralid-treated forage or hay within the previous 3 days in compost, mulch, or mushroom spawn.

– Do not plant broadleaf crops such as soybeans, sunflowers, tobacco, vegetables, field beans, peanuts, or potatoes in areas that have been treated with this herbicide or with manure from animals that have grazed in areas sprayed with it.

Pasture and Rangeland Restrictions

– Grasses treated with Milestone herbicide should not be used for hay intended for export outside of the United States within 18 months of treatment.

– Hay treated with Milestone herbicide in the preceding 18 months cannot be sold.

– Hay treated with Milestone herbicide in the preceding 18 months cannot be used for silage, haylage, baleage, or green chop.

– Hay made from grass treated with Milestone herbicide in the last 18 months cannot be moved around the farm.

– Hay or straw from sprayed areas in the last 18 months should not be used.

– Manure from animals fed with treated hay should not be used.

– Grasses treated with Milestone herbicide in the preceding 18 months should not be used for seed production.

Milestone herbicide Storage

You should store Milestone herbicide in an area where it cannot contaminate things like water, food, feed, or mix with other chemical substances or fertilizers.

The temperature of the storage place should not be below freezing or too high. If the herbicide freezes, you should warm it to at least 40°F and agitate it until all frozen crystals dissolve.

Lastly, the storage room should be dark, and the herbicide should be kept away from sunlight.


Does Milestone herbicide kill grass?

No, Milestone herbicide does not kill the grass. It can be applied in areas with grass because it will not affect it.

Does Milestone herbicide kill Virginia Creeper?

Milestone herbicide can not kill Virginia Creeper. Virginia Creeper is not affected by Milestone herbicide as it is not listed as a controlled weed on the herbicide label.

What is the persistence of Milestone herbicide in soil?

The soil persistence of Milestone herbicide is characterized by an average half-life of 35 days in field experiments.

Is Milestone herbicide toxic for bees?

No, Milestone herbicide is not toxic for bees.

Milestone, as per the manufacturer’s website Corteva, has been found to have low toxicity or to be “practically non-toxic” towards bees, birds, fish, earthworms, and aquatic invertebrates in various studies.

Is Milestone herbicide toxic for pets and livestock?

No, Milestone herbicide is not toxic to pets and livestock if it is applied correctly and allowed to dry.

Animals should not be allowed to enter the treated area until the herbicide is completely dry. The dry time of Milestone herbicide is about 2 hours after application.

Can Milestone herbicide be applied before the rain?

You can apply Milestone herbicide before the rain but it depends on the exact time.

In general, it is not recommended to apply Milestone herbicide immediately before the rain, as the rain can wash away the herbicide before being absorbed by weeds.

You should apply Milestone herbicide when no rainfall is expected for at least 24 to 48 hours after application.

Can cattle graze after spraying Milestone herbicide?

According to the Corteva website and herbicide label, cattle should not graze in treated areas until the herbicide has dried.

Milestone has no grazing restrictions for any type of livestock or wildlife, including lactating dairy animals, beef cattle, sheep, goats, and horses, according to the same sources.

Where to buy it

Milestone herbicide is available for purchase through various online platforms. To simplify the process, I have included a link below to the product page on Amazon, where you can purchase this herbicide directly.

Related video:

Using Milestone herbicide can be a key part of a successful land management strategy, but it is important to approach it with caution and respect for the environment. With the tips and advice in this guide, you can make the most of this powerful herbicide.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask, and I will respond as soon as possible.

About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

  1. 1.
    alice faye Gibson

    I sprayed the garden area with milestone, dilled the garden after the weeds wilted let stand for 15 days. Planted the garden and nothing came up. this was the first part of June. weeds are starting to come up this week. not plants. how do I know the milestone is gone out of the garden.

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