TriVolt Herbicide: The Quick Guide for Corn Farmers

Trivolt - pre-emergent herbicide for corn
In March 2022, Bayer launched a revolutionary herbicide designed for corn called Trivolt. As usual, Bayer is committed to bringing new technologies and solutions for agricultural users, and this herbicide for corn is a true testament to their commitment

Trivolt herbicide featured an advanced formula that ensures superior weed control for corn fields. Its broad-spectrum and consistent broadleaf weed and grass control work for up to eight weeks, regardless of weather conditions.

Let’s take a closer look at the Trivolt herbicide for corn and how it can ensure you better quality for your crops.

What is TriVolt herbicide?

Trivolt Herbicide

TriVolt is a systemic selective corn herbicide produced by Bayer that can be applied as a pre-emergent treatment during planting. It also has great flexibility that allows it to be applied as an early post-emergent treatment for weeds as well.

This new selective herbicide has built-in resistance management and powerful weed control, providing highly effective results when applied.

TriVolt Herbicide Active Ingredient

The active ingredients in TriVolt are thiencarbazone-methyl (2.28%), isoxaflutole (5.70%), and flufenacel (28.50%).

Each gallon of TriVolt contains 0.23 lbs of Thiencarbazone-methyl, 0.57 lbs of Isoxaflutole, and 2.85 lbs of Flufenacet.

How does TriVolt herbicide work?

TriVolt herbicide works systemically by using three different sites of action. It delivers powerful weed control, enabling burndown and residual control of weeds even in challenging weather conditions.

This systemic selective herbicide for corn is absorbed by weeds, where it travels through its system, disrupting the production of enzymes responsible for chlorophyll protection in weed leaves. In this way, it affects the weed’s production of amino acids and protein synthesis, causing its death.

The effectiveness and power of this herbicide, even in adverse weather conditions, come from its three active ingredients. The isoxaflutole ingredient allows for reactivation of the herbicide even with a half-inch of rain, while the flufenacet assures grass activity.

TriVolt Farmer Stories

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TriVolt herbicide Tank Mixture

For improved weed control in corn, TriVolt herbicide can be mixed with a variety of other herbicides registered for use in corn, or have similar application timings and methods.

The following herbicides can be mixed with TriVolt herbicide:

  • DiFlexx
  • Honcho K6 Herbicide
  • Roundup PowerMax
  • Roundup PowerMax II
  • Roundup PowerMax 3
  • Roundup WeatherMax
  • RT3
  • 2,4-D, Dicamba, Glufosinate-Ammonium, Paraquat, Simazine, Glyphosate, Flumetsulam, Atrazine, Clopyralid.

In addition to herbicides, TriVolt herbicide can be mixed with other registered seed and soil-applied insecticides used in corn only.

The following insecticides can be used together with TriVolt herbicide:

  • Clothianidin, (clothianidin + bacillus firmus), (tebupirimphos + cyfluthrin), fipronil, tefluthrin, chlorpyrifos, phorate, bifenthrin, thimet. All of these can be used in the same year.
  • Terbufos and other organophosphate or carbamate insecticides can also be used, but not in the same year as TriVolt herbicide.

Below you can find the table for the rate conversion of TriVolt herbicide.

Table 1. Rate Conversion Chart for TriVolt Herbicide
TRIVOLT HERBICIDE (fl. oz.) Thiencarbazone-methyl (lbs ai) Isoxaflutole (lbs ai) Flufenacet (lbs ai)
20 0.03594 0.08906 0.44531
15 0.02695 0.66700 0.33398
12 0.02156 0.05344 0.26719
10.75 0.01932 0.04787 0.23936
10 0.01797 0.04453 0.22266

Tank Mix Compatibility Testing

If you want to use TriVolt herbicide with other pesticides or herbicides that are not listed on the herbicide’s label, it is recommended to do a compatibility test first.

To perform a compatibility test, mix TriVolt with the desired herbicide or pesticide in a small container, using a small amount of each at the usual ratio.

If you observe signs of incompatibility between the two substances, do not use the mixture for spraying.

The signs of incompatibility may appear within 5 to 15 minutes after mixing and can include:

  • cloudiness in the mixture
  • precipitation in the mixture
  • clumps in the mixture
  • changes in color or odor of the mixture.

When to apply TriVolt herbicide

TriVolt herbicide can be applied to the soil surface before planting the crop. This type of pre-emergent herbicide is usually applied during this period to kill weeds that are already present in the field and prevent them from competing with the planted crops.

You should apply TriVolt herbicide up to 21 to 30 days before planting corn for pre-plant surfaces. The same time window of 21 to 30 days before planting also applies to pre-plant incorporation.

As an early post-emergent treatment, TriVolt herbicide can be used at the 2-leaf collar growth stage, which is the earliest stage of corn growth, when the seed has just germinated and begun to emerge from the soil.

Another factor that needs to be considered when discussing the application timing of TriVolt is the use of tank mixtures.

Certain restrictions and instructions must be followed depending on the timing of the application. Let’s take a closer look at them:

  • If you want to apply TriVolt after planting but before the corn has emerged, you can use TriVolt mixed with DiFlexx Herbicide-dicamba for burndown if the weeds are less than 6 inches in height. However, if the weeds exceed 6 inches, you should mix TriVolt herbicide with an additional burndown herbicide such as glufosinate, paraquat, glyphosate, or 2,4-D.
  • TriVolt should not be mixed with any other herbicides or adjuvants when using early post-emergent treatment.
  • Lastly, avoid combining TriVolt herbicide with organophosphate or carbamate insecticides on emerging corn.

TriVolt Herbicide mix ratio

Table 2. Maximum Fluid oz of TRIVOLT HERBICIDE per Acre.
Maximum Fluid oz of TRIVOLT HERBICIDE per Acre1 for Soil Type. Soil Texture
Application Timing Coarse Soils 2.0% O.M.2
or less

Sand, Loamy sand, Sandy
Coarse Soils greater
than 2.0% O.M. 2

Sand, Loamy sand,
Sandy loam
Medium Soils
Loam, Silt loam, Silt,
Sandy clay loam
Fine Soils
Silty clay loam, Clay loam,
Sandy clay, Silty clay, Clay
Preplant3 (Surface Applied or Incorporated)Preemergence Early postemergence 10.75 204 204 20

1If soils are 2.0% or less in O.M. and have a pH of 7.5 or greater, the rate selected from the table above can be reduced by 1.5 fluid oz., but not less than 10 fl. oz. on coarse soils.

2 O.M. = Organic Matter by weight.

3TRIVOLT HERBICIDE may be applied alone or in specified tank-mixes up to 21 days prior to planting. TRIVOLT HERBICIDE may be applied up to 30 days prior to planting when used in a planned sequential application program followed by postemergence applied herbicides appropriate for control of the target weeds.

4 For coarse textured soils with greater than 2.0% O.M. or medium textured soils with 2.0% O.M. or less, and where densities of weeds controlled by TRIVOLT HERBICIDE are light to moderate, an appropriate rate down to 15 fluid oz per acre may be selected.

How to apply TriVolt herbicide

As with many other herbicides, TriVolt herbicide also has some steps that you need to follow when applying it.

To make it easier for you, I have structured the instructions for applying TriVolt herbicide into easy-to-follow steps:

  1. Ensure that all weather conditions are met:

    – The temperature is optimal.
    – The wind speed does not exceed 10 miles per hour.
    – There are no temperature inversions.
    – There is no rain in the forecast for at least 24 hours after application.

  2. Prepare the right PPE for herbicide application. When spraying TriVolt you need a coverall over a long-sleeved shirt and long pants, waterproof gloves, socks, chemical-resistant shoes, and protective eyewear.
  3. Be sure to have next to you the herbicide applicator that you’ll use.
  4. Consult the label and see the right mix ratio. TriVolt can be applied as a broadcast spray. Therefore, you can mix TriVolt herbicide with water or liquid fertilizers. In this step, you can also mix it with other herbicides or pesticides.

    TriVolt can also be applied through banding onto the soil.
  5. Mix and stir the solution. Keep the solution properly mixed to ensure an even spray application.
  6. Spray the area infested with weeds.

After you finish spraying herbicide, it is important to clean your PPE and other equipment.

To clean the equipment, you need to break it down into smaller pieces and wash it thoroughly with fresh water using a pressure washer or hose connected to a water source. Make sure to rinse the equipment multiple times until it is completely clean.

List of weeds controlled by TriVolt herbicide

Trivol herbicide can control a variety of broadleaf weeds such as clover, spurge, and thistle, and grass or sedge weeds such as johnsongrass, crabgrass, and bluegrass. In the following table, you can see all weeds controlled by TriVolt herbicides.

****It provides control of weed populations that are resistant to glyphosate, triazine, PPO, ALS, and auxin herbicides.

Table 3.Broadleaf Weeds Controlled by TriVolt Herbicide
Amaranth, palmer Lambsquarters, common
Radish, wild Buffalobur
Mallow, Venice Ragweed, common
Beggarweed, Florida Marestail
Ragweed, giant Burcucumber2
Medic, black Russian thistle
Buttercup, small flower Morningglory, annual 2,3 4
Sesbania, hemp Carpetweed
Mustard, wild Shepherd’s-purse
Chamomile spp Nightshade, black
Sicklepod 2,3,4 Chickweed, common
Sida, prickly Clover, purple 2,3,4
Nightshade, eastern black Clover, white 2,3,4
Smartweed, Penn. Cocklebur 2,3,4
Spurge, spotted Dandelion, (seedling)
Pigweed, prostrate Copperleaf, Hophornbeam
Pepperweed, Virginia Speedwell, corn 2,3
Pigweed, redroot Clover, purple 2,3,4
Spurge, toothed Galinsoga
Sunflower, wild 2,3,4 Pigweed, tumble
Plantain, broadleaf Vetch, bird 2,3,4
Violet, field Waterhemp, tall and common
Table 3.1 Grass and Sedge Weeds Controlled by TriVolt Herbicide
Barnyardgrass Foxtail, robust white
Oat, tame Bluegrass, annual 2,3
Foxtail, robust purple Crabgrass, large
Foxtail, yellow Panicum, Browntop
Crabgrass, smooth Goosegrass
Panicum, fall Cupgrass, woolly 1
Johnsongrass, seedling Panicum, Texas 2
Foxtail, bristly Lovegrass, India
Sandbur, field 2 Foxtail, giant Millet, browntop Shattercane1
Foxtail, green Millet, wild proso 2
Signalgrass, broadleaf Nutsedge, yellow 2,3 Witchgrass

TriVolt Herbicide and Rotational Crops

When it comes to rotational crops, which are typically planted in a specific order, it’s important to consider the concentration of TriVolt herbicide in the soil.

The amount of residue left by TriVolt herbicide can depend on factors such as soil moisture, temperature, application rate, and timing of application.

TriVolt herbicide has specific guidelines that should be followed for certain crops.

Table 3. TriVolt Herbicide and Rotational Crops
Crop Rotational Interval2 Minimum Precipitation Requirement1
Field corn 0 Months None
Wheat, Triticale 4 Months None
Soybean, Sweet corn3 9 Months 15 inches of cumulative precipitation from application to planting of rotational crop
Cotton3 10 Months 15 inches of cumulative precipitation from application to planting of rotational crop
Barley, Rye, Rice3, Peanuts3, Popcorn3, Tobacco3 12 Months For Barley, Rice, Peanuts and Tobacco: 15 inches of cumulative precipitation from application to planting of rotational crop
Alfalfa, Green and Dry Beans, Oats, Sorghum, Sunflower, Canola, Potato, Sugar beet and all other crops4 17 Months3 30 inches of cumulative precipitation from application to planting of rotational crop

1 There’s a need of a certain amount of cumulative precipitation before planting another rotational crop. Irrigation from furrow or flood must not be counted, and no more than 7 inches of overhead irrigation should be included.

2 If planting crop varieties back within a year, ensure they are not highly sensitive to ALS-inhibiting and/or SU herbicides.

3 Extend the period to 17 month when the soil pH level is 7.5 or higher.

4 After TriVolt herbicide is applied, a successful bioassay must be done before planting other crops.

TriVolt Herbicide and Weeds Resistance Management

Sometimes weeds can develop a resistance to some specific types of herbicides, especially when the same herbicides are repeatedly applied in the same areas.

TriVolt herbicide, for instance, contains three active ingredients that belong to different herbicide groups. Isoxaflutole is part of Group 27, flufenacet belongs to Group 15, and thiencarbazone-methy is part of Group 2.

To prevent weeds from developing resistance to Groups 27, 15, and 2, you should take precautions early on, such as:

  • Alternating the use of different herbicides in growing seasons. For instance, if you use TriVolt herbicide in one growing season, consider using another herbicide in the next season that doesn’t contain ingredients from Groups 27, 15, and 2.
  • If permitted by the herbicide manufacturer, mix the herbicide with one from a different group.
  • Always check the weeds for early signs of herbicide resistance.

TriVolt Herbicide Restriction for Use

According to the TriVolt herbicide label, you are not allowed to:

  1. Apply TriVolt herbicide more than once per year.
  2. Apply more than 20 fluid ounces of herbicide per acre in a single application.
  3. Apply more herbicide than the label states.
  4. Use TriVolt herbicide in the same year when you’ve already applied organophosphate or carbamate insecticides
  5. Spray it on popcorn or sweet corn.
  6. Spray it with irrigation to coarse soils at planting when the soil is saturated.
  7. Harvest the field corn forage immediately after applying TriVolt herbicide. You need to wait 45 days after herbicide application to harvest it.
  8. Use COC or MSO together with TriVolt herbicide on emerging field corn.

TriVolt Herbicide Storage

TriVolt herbicide should be stored in a cool, dry, and secure location. It should not be stored near water, food, or feed, and should be kept out of reach of pets, animals, and children.

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About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

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