Ranger Pro Herbicide: The Quick Guide

In this article, I will explain how Ranger Pro herbicide works as a total herbicide in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

While selective herbicides are designed to carefully manage unwanted weeds, this type of herbicide, the non-selective or total herbicide is highly effective at controlling unwanted vegetation and eradicating anything and everything it comes in contact with.

I created a mix rate calculator for Ranger Pro Herbicide to help you determine the appropriate amount of herbicide needed based on your desired solution quantity.

Ranger Pro herbicide

However, because total herbicides are non-selective, it’s important to use them with caution and follow all safety guidelines.

Short History

Ranger Pro herbicide was created by the agrochemical company Monsanto. In the 1970s, Monsanto discovered one of the key substances included in Ranger Pro herbicide.

Initially, Monsanto introduced other herbicides with different names, such as Roundup. In the 2000s, they introduced Ranger Pro herbicide to the market as an alternative to their previous herbicides, such as Roundup Original Max and Durango DMA.

In 2018, Monsanto company was sold to Bayer. Some of the Monsanto products as Ranger Pro herbicide continue to be sold under the Monsanto brand name.

What Is Ranger Pro herbicide?

Ranger Pro herbicide is a non-selective herbicide, also known as a total herbicide, that is effective for post-emergence control of weeds.

As a non-selective herbicide, Ranger Pro can kill a variety of weeds and plants, while as a post-emergence professional herbicide, it can effectively control weeds after they emerge.

This versatile herbicide is widely used in farming, landscaping, forestry, and non-crop settings for total weed control. Ranger Pro herbicide should be applied using a sprayer because it is available only in liquid form.

What is it used for?

Ranger Pro herbicide can be used for various purposes such as forestry, landscaping, industrial sites, farming, and agriculture.

Farmers, landscapers, workers, and homeowners use it on different types of sites like residential lawns, commercial landscapes, school areas, parks, and golf courses, as well as around roadsides, utility poles, and fence lines.

Forestry Site

The Ranger Pro herbicide is effective in controlling woody brush, trees, and herbaceous weeds in forestry sites. It should be applied when the weeds are actively growing and not exceed 10.6 quarts per acre per year, even with repetitive applications.

It can also be tank-mixed with other herbicides such as Arsenal Applicators Concentrate, Chopper, Chopper Gen2, Escort, Garlong 3A, Garlon 4, and Oust XP.

Non-crop Areas

Under this category, non-crop areas such as airports, apartments, offices, sports complexes, driveways, commercial sites, golf courses, industrial sites, landscape areas, schools, and municipal sites are included.

Range Pro herbicide is applied in these non-crop areas to strictly control unwanted weeds. It can be used before planting any ornamentals, flowers, turfgrass, or prior to laying asphalt.

For controlling weeds such as bermudagrass, bahiagrass, broomsedge, dallisgrass, dock curly, dogfennel, fescue tall, johnsongrass, poorjoe, quackgrass, vaseygrass, and vervain blue, you need to use 1 to 2 quarts of the Ranger Pro herbicide combined with 2 to 8 ounces of Oust XP per acre.

How does it work?

Ranger Pro herbicide works systemically, entering the plant’s system through the foliage and roots.

It inhibits the production of certain amino acids that are essential for plant growth. Without these amino acids, the plant is unable to feed itself and ultimately dies.

Ranger Pro herbicide is classified as a Group 9 herbicide, which means it works by inhibiting the EPSPS enzyme in plants, preventing the production of essential amino acids and ultimately leading to the death of the target weeds.

Reasons why it may not work

Have you recently applied Ranger Pro herbicide but have not seen any noticeable effects? Are you wondering why your herbicide is not working as expected?

There are 5 reasons that could have influenced your herbicide’s effectiveness:

  1. Improper application of the herbicide: Always try to spray the herbicide uniformly and evenly. If you do not apply the product correctly on the weed, then it may not work effectively.
  2. Not using the recommended rate: Always check the label and use the correct rate of herbicide in your solution. If it is too diluted, then you may not see any changes.
  3. The weather was not appropriate for herbicide treatment. Too cold or hot temperatures, wind, or rain may disrupt the effectiveness of the sprayed herbicide.
  4. Herbicide-resistant weeds. You may experience difficulty controlling certain weeds due to their glyphosate resistance.
  5. The soil’s properties were not suitable for herbicide application. The moisture level of the soil must be optimal, not too dry and not too wet. If the soil is too dry, the herbicide may not be absorbed by the plants, and if it is too wet, then the herbicide may be diluted.

How to Use Ranger Pro Herbicide?

Ranger Pro herbicide can be used as a post-emergence treatment to kill weeds. In general, this non-selective, systemic herbicide is applied when the weeds are actively growing.

Postemergence application

Here is a step-by-step guide that you must follow when applying the post-emergence Ranger Pro herbicide:

  1. Always apply Ranger Pro herbicide when the weeds and unwanted plants are in the growing stage. The younger, the better.
  2. Apply the herbicide when the temperature is above 60°F and the winds are calm.
  3. Always consult the weather forecast. If rain is expected within the next 48 hours, postpone the application.
  4. Mix the herbicide with water only in stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, or plastic-lined steel containers.

    This non-selective herbicide must not be mixed or stored in galvanized steel, unlined steel containers, or spray tanks. If you place it in such containers, the herbicide will produce hydrogen gas and might explode.

  5. Use 2 to 3 ounces of Ranger Pro herbicide per gallon of water to cover an area of about 1,000 square feet.

    Don’t be alarmed by the foam in the spray solution during mixing. You can avoid using mechanical agitators to minimize the foam. You can also use an approved anti-foam agent too.

  6. Apply the herbicide to the target weeds, being careful to avoid drifting or over-spraying onto non-target areas. However, when spraying herbicide, ensure you spray the weeds completely and uniformly.
  7. Allow it to dry before allowing pets, animals, or people to enter the treated area.

When is the best time to spray it?

It is best to spray Ranger Pro herbicide when the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • Time and weed growth stage: The Ranger Pro herbicide should be applied when weeds are growing or in their early stage of development, typically in the spring or early summer.
  • Temperature: The temperature should be between 60°F and 85°F for optimal herbicide absorption. If applied when the temperature is below 60°F, the herbicide may not be absorbed effectively, and if applied when the temperature is above 85°F, it may evaporate or dry out quickly, reducing its effectiveness.
  • Weather: It is recommended to apply the herbicide when the forecast does not show rain for the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • Soil moisture: The soil should not be too dry or too wet. If it is too wet, the herbicide may run off the plants, and if it is too dry, the plants may not absorb the herbicide effectively.

How often to apply it?

Ranger Pro herbicide should be applied depending on the level of infestation. You can apply it multiple times; however, the combined total of all treatments must not exceed 10.6 quarts of this product (10.6 pounds of glyphosate acid) per acre per year.

Mixing Percent Solutions Chart

Before preparing your solution and mixing everything, always check the recommended product rate to ensure you add the correct amount.

You should also consider what concentration of solution you want to obtain and how much area you need to cover. Take some time to think about whether you need 1, 5, or more than 10 gallons of solution.

I have attached the mixing percent solution charts for this herbicide, which will help you determine how much Ranger Pro you need to add. Additionally, you can use the mix rate calculator by introducing the gallons and desired concentration. With these two tools, you will know exactly what to do and how to prepare your solution.

Table 1. Mixing Percent Solutions Chart for Ranger Pro Herbicide
Desired Volume Amount of Ranger PRO Herbicid
1/2% 1% 1-1/2% 2% 5% 10%
1 gal 2/3 oz 1-1/3 oz 2 oz 2-2/3 oz 6-1/2 oz 13 oz
25 gal 1 pt 1 qt 1-1/2 qt 2 qt 5 qt 10 qt
100 gal 2 qt 1 gal 1-1/2 gal 2 gal 5 gal 10 gal

Mix rate calculator for Ranger Pro herbicide

What does Ranger Pro herbicide kill?

Ranger Pro herbicide kills a broad spectrum of weeds, including annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds, and woody brush.
1. Annual weeds that Ranger Pro kills

Table 2. Annual Weeds that Ranger Pro herbicide kills
Annual Weeds
Anoda, spurred
Barley, little*
Bassia, fivehook
Bluegrass, annual*
Bluegrass, bulbous*
Brome, downy*
Brome, Japanese*
Cheeseweed (Malva parviflora)
Copperleaf, hophornbeam
Copperleaf, Virginia
Coreopis, plains/tickseed*
Cupgrass, woolly*
Falseflax, smallseed*
Fleabane, annual*
Fleabane, hairy (Conyza bonariensis)*
Fleabane, rough*
Foxtail, Carolina*
Geranium, Carolina
Goatgrass, jointed*

2.Perennial weeds that Ranger Pro kills

Table 3. Perennial Weeds that Ranger Pro herbicide kills
Perrenial Weeds Rate (QT/A) Hand-Held % Solution
Alfalfa* 1 2
Alligatorweed* 4 1.5
Anise (fennel) 2 – 4 1 – 2
Artichoke, Jerusalem 3 – 5 2
Bahiagrass 3 – 5 2
Beachgrass, European (Ammophila arenaria) 5
Bentgrass* 1.5 2
Bermudagrass 5 2
Bermudagrass, water (knotgrass) 1.5 2
Bindweed, field 4 – 5 2
Bluegrass, Kentucky 2 2
Blueweed, Texas 4 – 5 2
Brackenfern 3 – 4 1 – 1.5
Bromegrass, smooth 2 2
Bursage, woolly-leaf 2
Canarygrass, reed 2 – 3 2
Cattail 3 – 5 2
Clover; red, white 3 – 5 2
Cogongrass 3 – 5 2
Dallisgrass 3 – 5 2
Dandelion 3-5 2
Dock, curly 3-5 2
Dogbane, hemp 4 2
Fescue (except tall) 3-5 2
Fescue, tall 1-3 2
Guineagrass 3 1
Hemlock, poison 2-4 1-2
Horsenettle 3-5 2
Horseradish 4 2
Iceplant 2 1.5-2
Ivy, German 2-4 1-2
Johnsongrass 2-3 1
Kikuyugrass 2-3 2
Knapweed 4 2
Lantana 1-1.25
Lespedeza 3-5 2
Milkweed, common 3 2
Muhly, wirestem 2 2
Mullein, common 3 – 5 2
Napiergrass 3 – 5 2
Nightshade, silverleaf 2 2
Nutsedge; purple, yellow 3 1 – 2
Orchardgrass 2 2
Pampasgrass 3 – 5 1.5 – 2
Paragrass 3 – 5 2
Pepperweed, perennial 4 2
Phragmites* 3 – 5 1 – 2
Quackgrass 2 – 3 2
Redvine* 2 2
Reed, giant 4 – 5 2
Ryegrass, perennial 2 – 3 1
Smartweed, swamp 3 – 5 2
Spurge, leafy* 2
Sweet potato, wild* 2
Thistle, artichoke 2 – 3 1 – 2
Thistle, Canada 2 – 3 2
Timothy 2 – 3 2
Torpedograss* 4 – 5 2
Trumpetcreeper* 2 – 3 2
Vaseygrass 3 – 5 2
Velvetgrass 3 – 5 2
Wheatgrass, western 2 – 3 2

3.Woody brushes and trees that Ranger Pro kills

Table 4. Woody brushes and trees that Ranger Pro herbicide kills
Weeds Rate (QT/A) Hand-Held % Solution
Alder 3 – 4 1 – 1.5
Ash* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Aspen, quaking 2 – 3 1 – 1.5
Bearclover (Bearmat)* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Beech* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Birch 2 1
Blackberry 3 – 4 1 – 1.5
Blackgum* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Bracken 2 – 5 1 – 2
Broom; French, Scotch 2 – 5 1.5 – 2
Buckwheat, California* 2 – 4 1 – 2
Cascara* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Catsclaw* 1 – 1.5
Ceanothus* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Chamise* 2 – 5 1
Cherry; bitter, black, pin 2 – 3 1 – 1.5
Coyotebrush 3 – 4 1.5 – 2
Creeper, Virginia 2 – 5 1 – 2
Deerweed 2 – 5 1
Dogwood* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Elderberry 2 1
Elm* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Eucalyptus 2
Flower, monkey flower* 2 – 4 1 – 2
Gorse* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Hasardia* 2 – 4 1 – 2
Hawthorn 2 – 3 1 – 1.5
Hazel 2 1
Hickory* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Honeysuckle 3 – 4 1 – 1.5
Hornbeam, American* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Ivy, poison 4 – 5 2
Kudzu 4 2
Locust, black* 2 – 4 1 – 2
Madrone resprouts* 2
Manzanita* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Maple, red* 2 – 4 1 – 1.5
Maple, sugar 1-1.5
Maple, vine* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Oak; black, white* 2 – 4 1 – 2
Oak, post 3 – 4 1 – 1.5
Oak; northern pin 2 – 4 1 – 1.5
Oak, poison 4 – 5 2
Oak, scrub* 2 – 4 1 – 1.5
Oak, southern red 2 – 3 1 – 1.5
Olive, Russian* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Peppertree, Brazilian
(Florida holly)*
2 – 5 1 – 2
Persimmon* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Pine 2 – 5 1 – 2
Poplar, yellow* 2 – 5 1 – 2
Redbud, eastern 2 – 5 1 – 2
Rose, multiflora 2 1
Sage, black 2-4 1
Sage, white* 2-4 1-2
Sage brush, California 2-4 1
Salmonberry 2 1
Saltcedar* 2-5 1-2
Sassafras* 2-5 1-2
Sourwood* 2-5 1-2
Sumac; laurel, poison, smooth, sugarbush, winged * 2-4 1-2
Sweetgum 2-3 1-1.5
Swordfern* 2-5 1-2
Tallowtree, Chinese 1
Tanoak resprouts* 2
Thimbleberry 2 1
Tobacco, tree* 2-4 1-2
Toyon* 2
Trumpetcreeper 2-3 1-1.5
Waxmyrtle, southern* 2-5 1-2
Willow 3 1
Yerba Santa, California* 2

Ranger Pro and Weed Resistance Management

Although weed resistance can sometimes occur, it is crucial to manage the situation and take steps to prevent it from happening. Weed resistance is a condition where a herbicide is no longer effective in killing plants.

To prevent this issue when using Ranger Pro herbicide, consider following these tips:

  • Try to keep weeds and unwanted plants under control when they are young.
  • Try to apply other herbicides too. Rotating herbicides is one of the best tactics to avoid weed resistance.
  • Always follow the label instructions and recommended rates when applying herbicides.
  • Avoid mixing herbicides.
  • Clean your equipment when moving to a new area. If you’ve been working in a field infested with weeds, make sure to clean your pants or clothing before moving to a new area to avoid spreading seeds.

The Active Ingredient In Ranger Pro herbicide

The active ingredient in Ranger Pro herbicide is glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine), which is present in the form of isopropylamine salt at a concentration of 41%.

It also contains other ingredients like adjuvants and surfactants in a concentration of 59%, which increases the herbicide’s effectiveness.

Mixing Ranger Pro with other herbicides

Can Ranger Pro Herbicide be mixed with other herbicides?

Yes, Ranger Pro herbicide can be mixed with other herbicides, but the types of herbicides that can be mixed depend on the type of site where it will be applied.

It is important to understand that different sites, such as agricultural fields, residential lawns, or golf courses, may have different regulations and restrictions on herbicide mixing.

Check out the following table for Ranger Pro herbicide tank mixes.

However, before mixing herbicides, I highly recommend consulting the product label and local regulations to ensure that the combination is safe and effective for your intended use.

Table 5. Mixing Ranger Pro with other herbicides
Forestry Site Non-crop Areas and Industrial Sites Railroads Roadsides Utility Sides
Arsenal Applicators Concentrate Arsenal Arsenal Clarity Arsenal
Chopper Barricade 65 WG Clarity diuron atrazine
Chopper Gen2 Clarity diuran Endurance barricade 65 WG
Escort diuron Escort Escort dicamba
Garlon 3A Endurance Garlon 3A Krovar I DF diuron
Garlon 4 Escort Garlon 4 Oust XP Endurance
Oust XP Garlon 3A Hyvar X Outrider Escort
Garlon 4 Krovar I DF Pendulum 3.3 EC Escort XP
Karmex Oust XP Pendulum WG Garlon 3A
Krovar I DF Sahara Princep DF Garlon 4
Oust XP Spike Princep Liquid Krenite
Pendulum 3.3 EC Telar Ronstar 50 WSP Krovar I DF
Pendulum WDG Vanquish Sahara Oust
Plateau 2,4-D simazine Oust XP
Princep DF Surflan Outrider
Princep Liquid Telar pendimethalin
Ronstar 50 WSP Vanquish Plateau
Sahara 2,4-D Ronstar 50 WP
simazine Sahara
Surflan simazine
Telar Surlfan AS
Vanquish Surflan WDG
2,4-D Telar DF
Velpar DF
Velpar L

Safety and warnings

1. How to store it

You should store Ranger Pro herbicide in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place, preferably away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

The herbicide must be kept in its original container and out of reach of children and pets.

It should also be stored away from food, feed, fertilizers, veterinary supplies, or other chemicals to avoid contamination.
2. Is Ranger Pro herbicide safe for dogs and other pets?

Yes, Ranger Pro herbicide is safe for dogs and other pets and animals if used according to the herbicide’s label.

The label of Ranger Pro herbicide states that pets and other animals must be kept out of the sprayed area until the applied solution has dried. Once the solution has dried, it is safe to let pets re-enter the treated area.

3. Do NOT apply it to these plants

You should not apply Ranger Pro herbicide to non-target plants.

Desired plants should not be sprayed with herbicide, and it’s best to avoid spraying herbicide in the vicinity of the area where they are located.

Sensitive plants such as ornamental plants, trees, and crops should be kept away from the sprayed solution to prevent damage.

Additionally, newly planted or young plants do not need to be sprayed with herbicide and should be allowed to grow.


Who uses Ranger Pro herbicide?

Ranger Pro herbicide is used by many professionals in various fields such as agriculture, farming, forestry, landscaping, and others involved in weed control.

This herbicide is commonly used by farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers to control weeds in large crop fields like corn, soybean, cotton, and wheat.

Landscapers also use this non-selective herbicide to manage weeds in areas like golf courses, residential lawns, and commercial landscapes. In addition to these professionals, typical homeowners who want to get rid of weeds in their lawns and gardens may also use it.

How long after spraying it can you seed?

You can seed after 14 days from spraying with Ranger Pro herbicide.

How long does it take to work?

Ranger Pro herbicide takes about 2 to 7 days for Ranger Pro herbicide to work.

It has a fast action that is visible within this short amount of time after application. For most annual weeds, you can see the first effects in 2 to 4 days, while for perennial weeds in up to 7 days. This time period only applies if you use the herbicide properly.

If you do not apply the herbicide correctly, it takes longer for the symptoms to show up.

Do you need to mix a surfactant with Ranger Pro herbicide?

No, you do not need to mix a surfactant for herbicide with Ranger Pro herbicide.

This non-selective, systemic herbicide already contains a surfactant in its formula.

However, nonionic surfactants can be added to the final mix as per the label instructions. When adding a nonionic surfactant, do not reduce the rate of the Ranger Pro herbicide.

When using surfactants that contain at least 70% active ingredients, use a 0.5% surfactant concentration, which is 2 quarts per 100 gallons of spray solution. For surfactants containing less than 70% active ingredient, use a 1% surfactant concentration, which is equivalent to 4 quarts per 100 gallons of spray solution.

Does Ranger Pro herbicide kill trees?

Yes, Ranger Pro herbicide can kill trees. Because it is a non-selective herbicide, it kills any trees, plants, and bushes that come in contact with it.

Avoid spraying Ranger Pro herbicide on trees, non-target plants, and even near them.

How long before the rain is safe to apply it?

Ranger Pro is safe to apply at least 24 hours before the rain.

However, the time frame may vary depending on the intensity of the rain. If the weather forecast announces light rain, you can apply the herbicide 8-10 hours before the rainfall.

If heavy rain is expected within the next 24 hours, it is best to delay the application until more suitable weather conditions to avoid the risk of the solution being washed away by the rain.

What is the tank life of Ranger Pro once it’s mixed?

The tank life of Ranger Pro, once it is mixed, is 24 hours.

According to the product label, you should also agitate and stir frequently to maintain a uniform suspension of the liquids.

Within 24 hours, you can use it without any worries. However, after 24 hours, it is not recommended to use it anymore, and you should dispose of it responsibly.

Can it be used in the vegetable garden?

No. You should not use Ranger Pro herbicide in the vegetable garden.

Ranger Pro is a total herbicide containing glyphosate as an active ingredient. Therefore, using this herbicide will kill all your vegetable plants.

My suggestion for you is to use a selective or organic herbicide if you want to manage weeds in a vegetable garden.

Can you spray Ranger Pro around fruit trees?

Yes, you can spray Ranger Pro around fruit trees, but it is important to be very careful to avoid contact with the tree and the fruits.

To prevent the herbicide from touching the tree and fruits, you can create a barrier around the tree using plastic or another material.

If you think that the fruits have come into direct contact with the herbicide, it is recommended that you dispose of them. When in doubt, it is better to not consume them.

How much Ranger Pro should be added to one gallon of water to create a 4% solution?

You need to add 5.33 ounces of Ranger Pro herbicide to a gallon of water to get a 4% solution.

How much Ranger Pro should be added to one gallon of water to create a 6% solution?

You need to add 8 ounces of Ranger Pro herbicide to a gallon of water to get a 6% solution.

How much Ranger Pro should be added to one gallon of water to create an 8% solution?

You need to add 10.67 ounces of Ranger Pro herbicide to a gallon of water to get an 8% solution.

Where to buy it

Ranger Pro herbicides can be bought online from various platforms. To save you the trouble of searching, I have attached a link below to Amazon where you can purchase this herbicide directly.

If you have any questions about Ranger Pro herbicide that this article doesn’t answer, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below. I’ll do my best to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

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About the author: Dani Martelli
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani and I am a farmer with 10 years of experience. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

  1. Hello,
    Thank you for compliling and publishing this information.
    Question: The lists of plants on which this herbicide is effective contains a large number that are noted with asterisks. I do not find where on this page the asterisked notation is explained. Did I miss it? Can you point out or provide the information either on the site or via email, which I have provided in the fields below.

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