Celsius WG Herbicide: The Quick Guide

Say bye-bye to weeds with the Celsius WG herbicide and get your green and lush lawn back.

With the arrival of the warm season, we are all eager to spend more time outside and enjoy the green grass. A beautiful and well-kept lawn attracts you more to the yard, but it is also a source of pride for the one who takes care of it.

Celsius WG Herbicide - The Quick Guide

Cutting the lawn, irrigating it, or fertilizing it is a process known to everyone and easy to do. However, one of the most difficult aspects of maintaining a healthy lawn is controlling weeds. But you don’t have to despair. With a little perseverance, good technique, and the right herbicide, you can definitely win the fight against weeds.

Today I will present you with a selective and postemergence Celsius WG herbicide, which is suitable for controlling more than 150 types of weeds. It has an easy application with visible effects in 1-4 weeks after application.

Read more about the use rate, how to mix it, and how to apply it.

What is Celcius herbicide?

Celcius WG is a selective herbicide that can be used to get rid of unwanted plants or weeds. It can be applied both on smaller zones such as residential lawns, and small gardens, but also on extended areas such as agricultural areas, commercial lawns, golf courses, or any other sports field, recreational area, or school grounds.

Celsius WG herbicide kills and controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses. It can be applied without problem because it is safe for Safe on St. Augustine grass and centipede grass types.

On which plants should Celsius not be applied

Although Celcius WG can be used on St. Augustinegrass, bermudagrass, centipedegrass, zoysiagrass, and buffalograss, it is not recommended for bahiagrass, seashore paspalum, or cool-season turf types, including tall fescue, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or creeping bentgrass.

How much Celsius herbicide per gallon of water

To make one gallon of solution, mix the product at the rate of 0.057 (low rate)-0.113 (high rate) oz to one gallon of water. With one gallon of solution, you can spray approximately 1,000 square feet.

But, for example, if you plan to treat 2,000 square feet at a low rate, then you need to mix 0.114 oz of Celsius WG herbicide.

If we are talking about how many teaspoons of Celcius herbicide are per gallon, then this means somewhere between half a teaspoon for a low rate and a full teaspoon for a high rate per gallon.

CELSIUS WG HERBICIDE rates and measurements chart for backpack sprayers and hand-cans(For spot treatments only)

Table 1. Labeled Use Rates
CELSIUS WG HERBICIDE Use Rates oz/1,000 sq ft grams/1,000 sq ft oz/A grams/A
Low 0.057 1.6 2.5 70
Middle 0.085 2.4 3.7 105
High 0.113 3.2 4.9 140
Table 2. Volumetric measure (Amount of CELSIUS WG HERBICIDE to use per mix size)
CELSIUS WG HERBICIDE Rate \ Mix size 1 gallon 2 gallons 3 gallons 4 gallons 5 gallons
Low ½ teaspoon 1 teaspoon 1.5 teaspoons 2 teaspoons 2.5 teaspoons
Middle ¾ teaspoon 1.5 teaspoons 2.25 teaspoons 1 tablespoon 3.75 teaspoons
High 1 teaspoon 2 teaspoons 1 tablespoon 4 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon 5 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons

Total amount of product applied in a calendar year (365 days) must not exceed 7.4 oz (210 g) of product per acre.

Celcius WG Herbicide active ingredient

Celcius WG herbicide has the following listed as active ingredients: thiencarbazone-methyl (8.7%), iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium (1.9%), and dicamba (57.4).

All three active ingredients are selective herbicides. Thiencarbazone-methyl is part of the class of imidazolinone herbicides and disrupts the photosynthesis process of weeds. The iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium, like the other, acts by inhibiting the photosynthesis process of broadleaf and grassy weeds. It belongs to the class of sulfonylurea herbicides. The last ingredient called dicamba is part of the benzoic acid family and works by imitating a certain plant hormone called auxin. It manages to stop the growth and development of weeds.

All three acting together control and suppress lots of unwanted weeds in the lawn.

How does the Celcius WG herbicide work

As I already mentioned above in terms of active ingredients, two of them act by disrupting the photosynthesis process, more specifically by stopping acetolactate synthetase (ALS). ALS is responsible for the growth and development of a weed, which, once inhibited, will cause the plant to stop and wither.

However, you should know that if you spray this kind of herbicide year after year, the weeds may develop a resistance to this type of herbicide that inhibits ALS. That’s why Celcius added the third ingredient dicamba. It takes the specific form of the natural auxin of weeds and will act aggressively to kill it.

Thanks to these ingredients, I can say that Celsius WG is a special herbicide with several different modes of action that will fight even with plants that develop resistance to herbicides.

How to mix Celcius WG Herbicide

Mixing this herbicide must be done in a controlled environment and with appropriate equipment.
First of all, the equipment must be clean. So, if you have used the same tools to spray with another herbicide, I recommend you wash them well before mixing Celsius WG.

After preparing the equipment, get ready to mix the herbicide as follows:

  • Add around 30% to 50% of the total water required.
  • Start stirring the water just before adding the herbicide
  • Add the required amount of herbicide (see the tables above)
  • Mix the water with the herbicide very well, until you are sure that the herbicide has dispersed as it should
  • Then, add the rest of the water and continue to shake the solution.

It is important to calculate what quantity you need in order not to end up with an excess.

How to apply & how to prepare for the application

The most important thing when applying not only the Celsius herbicide, but any other type of herbicide, is to minimize the spray drift as much as possible. For this, you need to take into account several factors.

One of the things you can consider before the application is wind speed. If it exceeds 10 miles per hour, you should postpone spraying with herbicide.

The temperature also has a certain importance. It is not recommended to sprinkle with herbicide when the temperature is too high (above 90°F ) and the air dried because the herbicide will evaporate. Thus, the procedure will be ineffective. However, if it is absolutely necessary for the herbicide spraying to take place, you can use an applicator that will form larger droplets, which will not evaporate so easily. It is also recommended to avoid applying the solution during a temperature inversion.

A final factor to consider is the quality of the soil. If the soil is prone to wind erosion or has a sandier texture that can be quickly moved by the wind, then the application of the herbicide is not indicated.

After considering all the above bullet points, you can prepare for the application.

As tools for applying the herbicide, you can use what is easier for you and what is more suitable for the size of the area to be weeded. If it is a spot, then mix product rates of 0.057 to 0.113 oz to one gallon of water and apply via a backpack or hand-held sprayer. If there are larger areas, then you can use spray booms.

Can Celcius be combined with other types of herbicides?

The label says that Celcius WG herbicide can be combined with some other chemicals. It is important to consult the label before combining Celcius with any other solution. If the label does not specify, I would recommend that you first do a test in a smaller container and see the reaction. I will immediately return to how you could conduct a compatibility test, but first, let’s see what are the possible substances for the combination with Celsius.

Revolver herbicides, Sencor herbicides, Prograss herbicides, Ronstar WSP herbicides, Ronstar FLO herbicides, Acclaim Extra herbicides, and Specticle Flo are the ones that can be combined with Celsius WG.

During colder temperatures, herbicides have a delayed effect. Those from Celsius recommend adding carfentrazone or pyraflufenethyl to speed up the effect in this type of condition.

Also, if you have more stubborn weeds, adding methylated seed oil (MSO) at a rate of 0.25-0.5% v/v can help you control them more easily. However, it is not recommended to use an adjuvant spray or surfactants if the temperature is higher than 90°F.

Having said that, I can now present how to perform a compatibility test. For such a test you need a small container where you can mix a small amount of the desired ingredients in an equal ratio. After you have combined them, wait and watch the reaction. The incompatibility will be visible through a color change, precipitation, or settling. These effects generally appear 5 to 15 minutes after the combination. If you see such effects, it means that they are not compatible and the obtained solution should not be used.

After application, to obtain good results, do not mow the grass or irrigate until the product has dried.

When to apply Celcius Herbicide

Besides the fact that it is a selective herbicide, Celsius WG is also a postemergence one. Typically, selective, postemergence herbicides like Celius are applied when the weeds are in the active phase of growth but in the early stages of development.

How long it takes for Celcius Herbicides to work

You can observe the effects of the selective herbicide Celsius WG in 1 to 4 weeks after application. The time period is influenced by the outside temperature and soil moisture. If these two are suitable for the growth of weeds, then the results can appear in less than 4 weeks even. The signs of the effectiveness of this product are the yellowing or even necrosis of the weeds. Many customers confirmed that they saw changes 2-3 weeks after applying Celsius.

Where to buy Celcius herbicide

You can purchase this product on various online platforms or by clicking on the Amazon link below.

What does Celcius herbicide kill?

This selective herbicide can be used to control and kill more than 150 weeds. In the tables below you can find the exact weeds listed with their scientific name, but also the necessary use rate.

Table 3. Weeds controlled at 0.057 oz (1.6 g) of product per 1,000 sq ft
Common Name Genus Species
Barnyardgrass Echinochloa crusgalli
Blackseed plantain Plantago rugelii
Bracted plantain Plantago aristata
Broadleaf plantain, common plantain Plantago major
Buckhorn plantain, narrowleaf plantain Plantago lanceolata
California burclover Medicago polymorpha
Carolina falsedandelion Pyrrhopappus carolinianus
Carpetweed, Indian chickweed Mollugo verticillata
Catsear dandelion Hypochoeris radicata
Common chickweed Stellaria media
Common millet, proso millet Panicum miliaceum
Common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Common sunflower Helianthus annuus
Common vetch Vicia sativa
Creeping beggarweed Desmodium canum
Curly dock Rumex crispus
Cutleaf evening primrose Oenothera laciniata
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
Eastern black nightshade Solanum ptychanthum
Field madder Sherardia arvensis
Field violet, wild pansy Viola arvensis
Giant foxtail Setaria faberi
Giant ragweed Ambrosia trifida
Green foxtail Setaria viridis
Ground ivy, Creeping Charlie Glechoma hederacea
Hairy bittercress Cardamine hirsuta
Hairy nightshade Solanum villosum
Henbit Lamium amplexicaule
Horse purslane Trianthema portulacastrum
Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense
Lawn burweed, spurweed Soliva sessilis
Oxeye daisy Leucanthemum vulgare
Palmer amaranth Amaranth palmeri
Pennsylvania smartweed Polygonum pensylvanicum
Pitted morningglory Ipomea lacunosa
Quackgrass Agropyron repens
Rabbitfoot clover Trifolium arvense
Red sorrel Rumex acetosella
Redroot pigweed Amaranth retroflexus
Shattercane Sorghum bicolor
Spiny sowthistle Sonchus asper
Stinkgrass Eragrostis cilianensis
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum
Tansy mustard Descurainia pinnata
Velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti
Venus looking-glass Triodanis perfoliata
White clover Trifolium repens
White mustard Brassica alba
Wild buckwheat Polygonum convolvulus
Wild carrot Daucus carota
Wild oat Avena fatua
Wild onion Allium canadense
Table 4. Weeds controlled at 0.085 oz (2.4 g) of product per 1,000 sq ft
Common Name Genus Species
American burnweed, Fireweed Erechtites hieraciifolia
Asiatic hawksbeard Youngia japonica
Black nightshade Solanum nigrum
Broadleaf signalgrass Urochloa platyphylla
Browntop millet Brachiaria ramosa
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense
Canada toadflax Linaria canadensis
Carolina dichondra, Dichondra* Dichondra carolinensis
Carolina geranium, wild geranium* Geranium carolinianum
Carpetgrass Axonopus affinis
Chamberbitter Phyllanthus urinaria
Common lambsquarter* Chenopodium album
Common purslane* Portulaca oleracea
Common waterhemp Amaranthus rudis
Corn speedwell Veronica arvensis
Creeping speedwell Veronica filiformis
Dalligrass** Paspalum dilatatum
Dogfennel Eupatorium capillifolium
Dollarweed, Pennywort* Hydrocotyle Spp.
Entireleaf morningglory Ipomea hederacea var. integriuscula
Facelis, trampweed Facelis retusa
Fall panicum Panicum dichotomiflorum
Field pepperweed Lepidium campestre
Field sandbur Cenchrus incertus
Fleabane Erigeron Spp.
Florida betony Stachys floridana
Gophertail lovegrass Eragrostis cillaris
Green kyllinga Kyllinga brevifolia
Heartwing sorrel Rumex hastatulus
Heath aster* Aster ericoides
Horseweed, marestail Conza canadensis
Ivyleaf morningglory Ipomoea hederacea
Knawel Scleranthus annuus
Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla mollis
Mouse-ear chickweed Cerastium glomeratum
Paleseed plantain Plantago virginica
Parsley piert Aphanes microcarpa
Pokeberry Phytolacca americana
Poorjoe* Diodia teres
Prickly sida* Sida spinosa
Prostrate knotweed Polygonum aviculare
Red fescue Festuca rubra
Rescuegrass* Bromus catharticus
Russian thistle Salsola tragus
Shepherd’s purse Capsella bursa-pastoris
Sicklepod Senna obtusifolia
Slender aster Aster gracillis
Sprawling horseweed Calyptocarpus vialis
Swinecress Coronopus didymus
Tall fescue Festuca arundinacea
Texas panicum Panicum texanum
Thin paspalum, bull paspalum* Paspalum setaceum
Virginia dwarf dandelion Krigia virginica
White sweet clover Melilotus alba
Wild garlic, field garlic Allium vineale
Wild lettuce, tall lettuce Lactuca canadensis
Wild mustard Brassica kaber
Yellow foxtail Setaria lutescens
Yellow rocket Barbarea vulgaris
Yellow woodsorrel, Oxalis* Oxalis stricta
Table 5. Weeds controlled at 0.113 oz (3.2 g) of product per 1,000 sq ft
Common Name Genus Species
Annual lespedeza Lespedeza striata
Birdseye pearlwort Sagina procumbens
Black medic , hop medic Medicago lupulina
Dallisgrass** Paspalum dilatatum
Doveweed Murdannia nudiflora
Florida pusley Richardia scabra
Hemp sesbania Sesbania exaltata
Large crabgrass*** Digitaria sanquinalis
Prostrate spurge Chamaesyce maculata
Purple cudweed Gnaphalium purpureum
Ryegrass (clumpy) Lolium perenne
Virginia buttonweed* Diodia virginiana
Western ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya
Whiteleaf sage Salvia leucophylla

* Weeds that may need a second application of this product for control. If weeds are showing signs of recovery, make a second application 2-4 weeks after the first. Do not exceed 7.4 oz (210 g) of product per acre per year (365 days) for all applications.

** Dallisgrass is best controlled with two spot applications as described above. Follow application directions for a spot application.

*** Large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) is best controlled at early growth stages. Sequential applications of CELSIUS WG HERBICIDE may be necessary.

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About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

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