TZone SE Herbicide: Effective Control Against a Variety of Broadleaf Weeds

TZone SE Herbicide

If you’re thinking of using TZone SE herbicide, I’ve made a really easy guide for you. It has all the essential instructions you need, like how much to mix, a table showing which weeds it works on (check table 2), how to apply it, and when to use it.

This herbicide is really good at getting rid of many different broadleaf weeds. I’ve listed them in Table 2 for you.

Before you begin, I advise you to follow the golden rule when working with herbicides: always read the label.

What is Tzone SE Herbicide

TZone SE is a selective herbicide used for post-emergent treatment to control undesired plants such as a variety of broadleaf weeds, while not harming the desired plants or turfgrasses.

The active ingredient

TZone SE selective herbicide contains four active ingredients: triclopyr (7.72%), sulfentrazone (0.66%), 2,4-D (29.32%), and dicamba (2.22%).

These active ingredients are combined to create a powerful selective post-emergent herbicide. All four of them are known for their selective action against various broadleaf weeds while not affecting the grasses commonly found in lawns.

Where to use it

TZone SE herbicide can be used in diverse ornamental turfgrass sites, including:

  • Residential and domestic sites, such as households, apartment complexes, condominiums, nursing homes, and hospitals.
  • Ornamental turf sites, including residences, parks, streets, recreation areas, fairgrounds, athletic fields, retail outlets, cemeteries, and institutional buildings.
  • Institutional sites, such as sports facilities, museums, libraries, office buildings, or other private or public organizations.
  • Non-cropland sites, such as farmyards, fencerows, fence lines, roadsides, road shoulders, airports, and military installations.
  • Agricultural sites, specifically commercial sod production.

Although TZone SE herbicide can be applied in various areas, it cannot be used in places such as anywhere around, near, or in water.

Therefore, do not apply this herbicide in the following locations:

  • Lakes, streams, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, wetlands, or estuaries.
  • Anywhere near shorelines.
  • Agricultural irrigation water, ditch banks, or canals.
  • Greens and tees on golf courses.

How does it work

TZone herbicide works by interrupting the growth and development of the targeted weeds from within the plant’s internal system.

All four active ingredients of this herbicide act by inhibiting certain hormones or enzymes in the weeds.

For example, triclopyr acts as a growth hormone called auxin, while sulfentrazone inhibits the enzyme involved in chlorophyll synthesis. Dicamba also takes the form of a hormone that disrupts weed growth.

When the targeted plant is sprayed with this herbicide, it absorbs it, and then it is distributed throughout the weed via various processes.

Inside the weed, the herbicide causes harm by inducing abnormalities in cell division and chlorophyll production, ultimately leading to the death of the weeds.

When to apply

TZone SE herbicide can be applied in the spring and fall when the weeds have emerged and are actively growing on the surface.

According to the label of TZone herbicide, it is not recommended to apply it during the summer as its effectiveness may be limited. Therefore, try to apply it during the spring and fall seasons for optimal results.

TZone SE herbicide mix Ratio

You can mix 0.75 to 0.83 fl. oz. of Tzone SE herbicide per gallon of water for the treatment of approximately 1,000 sq. ft of warm-season turfgrass. Warm-season turfgrass includes hybrid Bermudagrass, common Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and bahiagrass.

For cold-season turf, you can mix 1.2 to 1.5 fl. oz. of this herbicide per gallon of water for treatment of approximately 1,000 sq. ft of turfgrass. Cold-season turfs include Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and red or fine-leaf fescues.

Table 1. Use Rates For Ornamental Turfgrass, Sod Farms, and Non-Cropland
Species Rate Spray Volume
Cool-season Turf
Kentucky bluegrass,
annual bluegrass,
annual ryegrass
perennial ryegrass, tall
fescue, red or fine leaf
3.25 to 4 Pints/Acre
(1.2 to 1.5 fl.oz./
1,000 sq.ft.)
10 to 220 Gallons/Acre
(0.25 to 5.0 Gallons/
1,000 sq.ft.)
Warm-season Turf (Dormant Turf)
Hybrid Bermudagrass,
common Bermudagrass,
zoysiagrass, and
2 to 2.25 Pints/Acre
(0.75 to 0.83 fl.oz./
1,000 sq.ft.)
10 to 220 Gallons/Acre
(0.25 to 5.0 Gallons/
1,000 sq.ft.)

Dormant turf: This product may be applied to fully dormant bermudagrass,fully dormant zoysiagrass and fully dormant bahiagrass. Only use this product on the specific turfgrass species listed in Table 2, unless you have tried it on a different turf species and confirmed that it can tolerate the product.

Keep in mind: For ornamental turfgrass, sod farms, and non-cropland, there are some limitations that you must respect when using Tzone SE herbicide. In these areas, the maximum application rate is 4.0 pints of herbicide per acre per broadcast application. You are allowed to make only two applications per year, with a minimum of 21 days between them for sod farms and 30 days for non-crop land.

Mixing instructions

The mixing instructions for TZone SE herbicide are very easy because this herbicide is an aqueous suspo-emulsion (SE) that can be diluted.

Let’s see what are your alternatives to dilute:

1.TZone SE herbicide mixing with water:

  1. Add one-half of the amount of water required to the spray tank.
  2. Add the right amount of TZone SE herbicide.
  3. Agitate and stir continuously until it dissolves.
  4. Add the other half amount of water and fill the tank.
  5. Continue to mix and agitate the solution.
  6. When you start spraying, make sure you continue to stir and agitate the solution because if you leave it to stand for a longer period of time, the spray mixture loses its uniformity.
  7. It is not recommended to add tank additives that change the pH of the spray solution below pH 5 or above pH 8.

2.TZone SE herbicide mixing with liquid fertilizers:

First, it is recommended by the product label to make a jar test before using the fertilizer on a larger scale. The jar test involves mixing all the substances in a small container, stirring them, and observing for any reactions.

If you notice the presence of flakes, sludge, or substances separating instead of forming a uniform solution, then the mixture should not be used for spraying.

Tip: It is also recommended to read the label of liquid fertilizers and check for compatibility information. Some labels may provide guidance on which tank mixtures are favorable or unfavorable.

According to the herbicide label, it is compatible with liquid nitrogen solutions, indicating that it can be mixed with liquid nitrogen without any issues.

Still, when mixing this fertilizer with suspensions or N-P-K solutions, it is recommended to pre-mix the fertilizer with water before combining it with these substances. Use a ratio of 2 parts water to ensure the activation of emulsifiers. This step will enable the herbicide component to be properly suspended within the fertilizer mixture.

3.TZone SE herbicide mixing with surfactant:

TZone SE herbicide does not need to be mixed with a surfactant for herbicides or any other adjuvants.

The combination of this herbicide with any surfactant could potentially harm your grass.

Instructions on How to Use It

Below you can find step-by-step instructions on how to use TZone SE herbicide to effectively control the weeds:

  1. Ensure that the weeds have emerged from the soil and are actively growing, typically in spring and fall. You should also not mow the lawn 2 days before herbicide application.
  2. Check the weather conditions before spraying the herbicide. The following factors should be considered:
    – The temperature should not exceed 85°F.
    – The wind speed should not be greater than 15 mph.
    – Avoid spraying during temperature inversions or stable atmospheric conditions.
    – The humidity should not be too low.
  3. Equip yourself with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for handling the herbicide. Always check the label for specific recommendations.
    For TZone SE herbicide, the label states that you should wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes, socks, chemical-resistant gloves, and a chemical-resistant apron when mixing or loading the herbicide.
  4. Prepare the herbicide applicator and equipment. You can use a spray tank, backpack sprayer, or any suitable equipment of your choice.
    The label of this product suggests to not apply it immediately after rainfall or irrigation. Also, in the presence of dry conditions, it is recommended to irrigate or water the area 24 hours before and 24 hours after applying the product.
  5. Dilute the herbicide with water or liquid fertilizers according to the provided mixing instructions. Ensure that you add the correct amounts of each substance. Stir and mix the solution before adding it to the applicator.
  6. Apply the TZone SE herbicide to the weeds or the affected surface. Make sure the weeds are covered with the herbicide.
  7. Allow the herbicide to dry and be absorbed by the weeds.
  8. If you need to enter the sprayed area before the herbicide has dried, you must wear the following PPE: coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves, chemical-resistant footwear and socks, protective eyewear, and chemical-resistant headgear.
  9. After applying TZone SE herbicide you should not mow 2 days after application.

Always consult and follow the instructions on the specific product label for accurate and detailed usage guidelines and safety precautions.

What does TZone SE herbicide kill

TZone SE herbicide kills a variety of broadleaf plants. Below, in Table 2, you can find all the weeds that this selective herbicide controls.

Table 2. Broadleaf weeds controlled by TZone SE herbicide.
Name Name
Aster, white heath & white prairie Bindweed
Bedstraw Black medic
Beggarweed, creeping Broadleaf plantain
Burdock, common Buckhorn plantain
Buttercup, creeping Bull thistle
Carpetweed Catnip
Chickweed Chicory
Cinquefoil Clover
Cudweed Curly dock
Dandelion Dayflower
Deadnettle Dock
Dogfennel English Daisy
False dandelion (*spotted catsear & common catsear) Field bindweed (*morningglory & creeping jenny)
Field oxeye-daisy (*creeping oxeye) Filaree, whitestem & redstem
Florida betony Florida pusley
Ground ivy Groundsel
Hawkweed Healall
Henbit Innocence (Blue-eyed Mary)
Knotweed Lambsquarters
Lawn burweed Lespedeza, common
Lespedeza sericea Mallow, common
Matchweed Mouseear chickweed
Mustard Nettle
Nutsedge** (yellow) Old world diamond flower
Oxalis (*yellow woodsorrel & creeping woodsorrel) Parsley-piert
Pennsylvania smartweed Pepperweed
Pigweed Pineappleweed
Plantain Poison ivy
Poison oak Prickly lettuce (*compass plant)
Puncturevine Purple cudweed
Purslane Yellow rocket
Ragweed Thistle
Red sorrel (*sheep sorrel) Virginia buttonweed
Shepherdspurse White clover (*Dutch clover, honeysuckle clover, white trefoil, & purplewort)
Speedwell (Veronica) Wild carrot
Spurge Wild garlic
Wild geranium Wild lettuce
Wild mustard Wild onion
Wild strawberry Wild violet***

* Synonyms
** Suppression only when nutsedge is young and actively growing.
*** For best results, apply in the spring when wild violets are blooming or apply a late fall
application followed by a spring application.


This selective post-emergent herbicide offers numerous benefits when used.

Some of them are as follows:

  • TZone SE herbicide effectively controls multiple tough broadleaf weeds in turfgrass.
  • It is effective even in cool weather.
  • The sulfentrazone ingredient ensures fast results and kills tough weeds such as dandelion, spurge, and white clover.
  • TZone SE herbicide eliminates common weed species like wild violets, henbit, and clover.
  • TZone herbicide becomes rainfast in less than 3 hours.
  • You can reseed 3 weeks after TZone SE herbicide application.

You can see results from the application of TZone SE herbicide within 10 to 14 days. Some symptoms indicating the herbicide’s effectiveness include yellowing the weed’s leaves.


An alternative to TZone SE herbicide is Celsius WG Herbicide. Trimec Classic Broadleaf can also be another alternative to TZone SE.

How to store it

TZone SE herbicide must be stored in a dark and cool place, away from direct sunlight.

The herbicide should be stored in its original container and in a location that is separate from food, water, or animal feed. It should also not be stored in an area where freezing temperatures can occur.


How long does TZone stay in grass and soil?

TZone SE herbicide can stay up to a year in grass and soil due to its active ingredient called triclopyr.

Is TZone SE herbicide safe for pets?

TZone SE herbicide is safe for pets after it has dried. It is not recommended to leave any pets in the sprayed area before the herbicide has dried, as it can affect them.

Can you mix Tenacity and TZone?

You can mix Tenacity herbicide and TZone herbicide in a small container to check for compatibility.

If the resulting mixture does not produce foam, splurges, or any color discoloration, it indicates that the two herbicides are compatible and can be used together.

If you observe any of these symptoms, it means that the herbicides are not compatible, and you should avoid combining them.

How much does it cost ??

TZone SE herbicide costs about $120 per gallon and can also be purchased online, even on Amazon
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About the author: Dani
Dani FarmerDB

My name is Dani, and I have more than 15 years of experience in farming. I will share with you everything about farming from processes, tips, machines, and more. Farming for me is not just a job but a way of life. Keep reading ...

  1. 1.

    Are vegetables safe to eat after area around plants has been sprayed No direct contact made with plants just around the garden box

    1. 2.


      It’s okay to use Tzone herbicide around your garden boxes to stop weeds. Your vegetables are safe to eat if you follow these rules:

      • Make sure you apply the herbicide carefully and prevent it from drifting.
      • Keep a safe distance between the herbicide area and your vegetables. If weeds are too close, use barriers like plastic sheets.

      I can also give you some extra tips to be extra sure your vegetables are safe:

      • Watch your vegetables for any signs of herbicide damage, like wilting, changing colors, or growing slowly. If you see these within a few days of using Tzone, don’t eat those vegetables.
      • Even if your vegetables didn’t touch the herbicide directly, it’s a good idea to wash them well.

      Personally, I don’t use any herbicides around my vegetables. I get rid of weeds by hand

  2. 3.
    Brian William


    1. 4.

      Hello Brian,

      Yes, this herbicide can be used on residential and domestic sites, such as households.

      However, TZone is not effective against Creeping Charlie. This weed is a perennial broadleaf weed, and while TZone kills some perennial weeds, Creeping Charlie is not listed on the label.

      I suggest trying other herbicides that specifically target this weed, such as Celsius or Change Up.

  3. 5.
    Valerie K Bassett

    Does rain reactivate this weedkiller?

    1. 6.

      Hello Valerie,
      Tzone is a post-emergence herbicide and rain does not reactivate it. Once a post-emergent weedkiller has dried and been absorbed by the target plants, additional rain typically does not reactivate it.

      These herbicides work by being absorbed into the plant’s leaves and roots, disrupting their growth processes. If the herbicide has already dried and effectively penetrated the plant tissues, rain won’t increase its effectiveness.

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